Mr. Loverboy

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Boy, you keep on blowing my mind
Caught up in my emotions
You can be my Mr. Loverboy
The way you make me feel inside
Come back over and over
Won't you be my Mr. Lover, Mr. Loverboy?

The Perspective of Leigh-Anne Pinnock

Here I was, standing there, hand in hand with a brunette that held a special place in my heart. We were accompanied by two bodyguards, I wasn't joking when I said that, even if she insisted that we didn't need them. We had just stepped out of the limousine, the black car shining in contrast to the pitch night sky.

Just hours before that we had gone back to the dress store, excited for prom night. Jade had a black dress that didn't go past the knees, it was sheer near the bottom. I was wearing a peach colored dress that got gradually darker as it got closer to the floor. I was in love with the dress the minute I got it. I could only assume Jade loved hers, when she laid eyes on it she pounced up and down in that cute little child way. We thanked Tulisa and she gave us her number in case we wanted to order another dress. I definitely wasn't going to hesitate on that one any time soon. She was an amazing designer, I was sure she should go big. After that, Jade and I arrived home and prepared for prom. Pampering our faces and slipping on dresses.

Here we were now, standing in front of the door of the school, students peering through the glass to see what the big deal was. I looked over and saw eyes glistening, not with tears, but that glisten in your eye when you're satisfied. When you're happy. That glisten when you're at peace and excited for what's next, the anticipation filling your rumbling belly. That was the glisten that was in her eye, the glisten that I loved. I felt her hand grip mine tighter and my eyes slid over to face her, my head slowly turning with them.

In all honesty, I was just as nervous as she was. "Babe." She spoke and I nodded slowly. "Yeah." I stated quietly, the bodyguards peering over at us. "Ready?" She answered and I nodded. She gave a nod to the buff guards and they opened the doors for us. Screams could be heard as soon as the doors were let free. ''Move." One of the bodyguards huffed and we made our way inside. I saw a curvy girl approach me and then a soft smile reached my face. "A limo? Bodyguards? I knew it was none other than Leighade." She said and chuckled, wincing when I punched her arm. "Pez is over there." She shrugged and nodded her head over to the blonde. Jade rushed over to her while screaming, "Pez!" I rolled my eyes and Jesy cocked a brow. "Jealous?" She questioned my behavior which earned her another punch, that one in her gut. "Oh god! Calm!" She croaked and I laughed.

The whole night was filled with dancing, drinking, and eating. Then repeat the process. It soon transitioned into a slow dancing song. Jade had recently retreated back to Jesy and I, as did Perrie, when the pair realized that eating was involved in our routine. Now I had my arms around the small brunette's neck, hers around my waist. "So this is it." She uttered clearly enough for me to understand. I nodded and pulled her closer to me, her body moving with ease. "This is highschool, it's over." She said, now in a more surprised voice which was to be expected. "I know... you know we never really talked about this, but... what are your plans after highschool?" I asked her the question that most students wouldn't know the answer two. "I know this is going to sound stupid since I could get any job with my 5.0 GPA..." She started and I nodded so that she knew I was following. "but I'm auditioning for for X Factor." She ended and exhaled smoothly. My eyes widened and I chewed my lip. "Me too! I've had that dream ever since... ever since ever." I whispered into her ear and she nodded, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

We danced to the rhythm of the music, bodies swaying slowly, hearts beating at a pace we were comfortable with. "What if I told you that you can win." She breathed into my ear and I shook my head. "Not a chance." I replied and let my fingers tickle the back of her neck. It was at the moment we heard an ear piercing sound, the screeching of a microphone. "Hello class of..." The principal started and peered down at his paper before shrugging in defeat. "Today, I will be announcing your prom king and queens!" He stated with enthusiasm in his voice, the crowd in cheers and rumbles. "Now, here's to the prom queen..." He cleared his throat and looked out onto the crowd. "Jade Thirlwall?' He said a tad confused, I was sure he hadn't heard of her before. The room filled with silence and I took a breath as Jade gave me a confused look, walking up to the stage. "Jade Thirlwall!" He shouted and the crowd soon roared. "Now, for our prom king... Jed Elliot!" He said with more of a pep in his voice, leaving the crowd in screams and cheers.

Just as the annoying brunet began up the stage, in his stupid bowtie and way too tight suit, the principal, who's name was Dr. Mister by the way, cleared his throat into the mic. For some odd reason, that caused the entire class to go quiet. "Actually, no. Uhm... this year... this year we've got Leigh-Anne Pinnock as the other prom queen." His eyes darted around the room, bouncing from Zayn, Jed, Jade, Perrie, and then finally. Me. The only thing I could hear was muted out screaming of my name, a frustrated Jed, and my own thoughts. It was the feeling of underwater, the feeling of elevation above mountain level. The blurriness in my eyes, the pounding in my head, the shaking of my hands, it was all insanity. There was nothing I could stop about that feeling, even when my knees unlocked and I could finally move up to the stage. How much sense did it make that two prom queens were elected, this year if any?

"Have you girls anything to say?" The principal spoke into the mic, his eyes crossing over the two of us every five seconds. My brunette lover was the first to nod, taking the offered microphone from the head of our school. "Wow, this is... this is insane. Who would have ever thought I would be voted prom queen if anyone. I'm just... I'm just that nerd in the back of the class, how did I end up here? It's just... it's wow. I don't even care that much that I'm up here... all I care about is the fact that I ended up here with this raven beauty." She spoke and gestured towards me. "And I just wanted to make a promise to her." She said and I could tell the crowd was intrigued, my heart attempting to leap out of my chest every minute. I didn't know what to feel, what to say, I just wanted to be here with her forever. Her hand in mine, she looked me in the eyes and chewed her lower lip in that way I obsessed over. "That I'm never going to leave you. And I've never broken a promise." She breathed into the microphone. Then she connected our lips together, as if to seal the promise. The crowd erupted into roars and shouts, my heart racing even more.

We pulled our lips apart slowly and a subtle smile appeared on my lips. She handed me the microphone to me and I nodded. "You're just... you're the girl I want to marry. The only one, and I just know it, I know the feeling's true. It may be insane but god I don't know what I would do without you by my side. I don't want it to be like that" I said and looked out onto the crowd, someone was now holding up a poster that said 'Leighade Life!" That person was none other than Jesy Nelson. Then my love spun me around and pressed her lips against mine, securing the second promise that I never intended to break.

The End

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