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We were all back in the meeting room and I was calmer then before. People kept looking at my neck in awe. I haven't looked at it yet so...

Anywho, it's been silent since Felix said I was going to be apart of the war. So I decided to speak up. "I'm going to be apart of the war but, I have to stay in the treehouse with guards" I assured.

They smiled. "How big is this treehouse?" Felix's gamma asked. "Look at the picture." James said as he tossed a picture onto the table. It was a very large treehouse.

"Good. We could send one of our best guards and a warrior with her." Felix's beta said. "Okay. Look. Sorry. I don't know your names. Felix didn't introduce you two to me so um yeah. I'm sorry. But, a guard would be find. You need all the warriors you can because we are outnumbered by the hunters." I said.

"She has a point and my name is Bree, and this is my idiot brother Beau." She said. So Beau is the beta and Bree is the gamma for Felix's pack.

"Great. I'm sorry I didn't know your names but, Felix was being a prick earlier so he couldn't be nice enough to introduce us." I said ignoring the hard look Felix had on.

"When's the war anyway?" George, a vampire beta asked. "In three days." James said with a sigh and instantly I knew my face paled. I just got to know all these kind souls. I can risk losing any.

"Mira? Are you alright?" Jace asked. "Yeah." I said while faking my tired voice. "Do you think if we used weapons this year that it would work?" Jason asked.

"I'd think it would. You could have snipers stationed and hidden and take them down from afar." I said. "She has a point." Mara, a shifter said.

"So where are we going to get guns?" Maddie asked. "Well. Don't elves have a thing for getting humans to fall hard. Like swooning." Jaylee said smirking.

"Uh. Yeah." I said nervously. "You are not going to swoon another person. I will not allow it." Felix said. "It's kinda needed Felix." Vixen, the Luna of her vampire pack.

"Fine. Only if I can kill him right after." Felix said angrily. "No. You are not going to kill an innocent human you dummy head." I said with a look of disbelief.

"Don't disrespect me." He growled. "I'll disrespect you if I want to because you aren't respecting me much other you possessive Oompa Loompa." I said ignoring the amused looks.

"Did you just call me an Oompa Loompa?" Felix asked as he stifled his laughter like everyone else. "Do I need to come straight out and say that your a fat ass?" I asked.

He wasn't amused anymore. He went back to his emotionless face as everyone else still tried to contain their laughter.

"Well. I didn't know that's what you were hinting. Let's get back on track now." He said. "You aren't killing the human because I'll just walk out. Simple. Not everything you do needs to involve bloodshed Felix." I said seriously.

He sighed but, overall he agreed. "And that doesn't mean go back later and threaten him." I stayed with a stern look. "H-How did you know I'd do that?" He asked shocked.

"I'm an elf. Duh. We know all the supernatural forces instincts better then anyone." I said. "So it's done. There will be snipers. Can you shoot a gun Mira?" James asked.

"Honey. You know what this is?" My dad asked my six year old self as I stood before him and my mother. "No." I said confused.

"This is a gun. They are all different. We can't always rely on our powers. That's why I taught you to fight. So now, I'm going to teach you to use a gun. In case any bad men come here." My dad said.

"You mean the hunters." I said. "Yes." Mom said as she smiled softly at me. "This is a handgun. Tomorrow we will practice with a bigger gun and we will just keep practicing until I know you can protect yourself." My dad said as he placed the gun in my hands.

"Do I just pull the trigger?" I asked. My parents chuckled. "First you have to take it out of safety mode Mira bug." My mom said as she showed me where the safety mode was so I took it off of safety mode.

"Then you need to cock it, so you can shoot." My dad said as he showed me how to do that with a gun he held that was similar to mine

"Then you aim and fire." Mom said. I aimed at the target and fired. "Good. Now keep practicing." My mom said.

"Mira?" Jaylee said worried as she stood in front of me. "Yeah. Yeah. I know how to use a gun." I said before I walked out and went to my room.

It might be weird to be trained that at such a young age but, my parents were right. You can't always rely on your powers. I never have relied on my powers.

I always carry a knife around. Normally tucked in the combat boots I wear. I was also training with knives when I was younger. I remember that day.

"MIRA!" My moms voice boomed throughout our beautiful home. I ran down the hall and down the stairs towards my mom.

"Yes mommy." I said as I looked up at her. Her blue hair flowing past her hips as her stomach was already starting get larger each day as my little brother will be here soon.

"Me and your dad want to teach you something." She said as she took my small hand in her small hand. She led me to the backyard that had dummy's, punching bags, bullseye boards, and weights. There was guns and knives on the table.

"I know your birthday was yesterday and we promised you that you'd get a break but, we spotted hunters close to the elf territory. So we want to teach you how to fight with knives." My mom said seriously.

"Okay. As long as we can hang out and watch movies later." I said with a cheeky smile. My mom and dads serious faces broke into large grins.

"Of course." My dad said as he handed me a knife and then he showed me how to fight with them.

I snapped out of the thoughts by hitting the floor. "Sorry. You zoned out and Jaylee freaked out." Jace said as he hopped off from my bed.

"What's the deal with you zoning out so much?" James asked. I realized Beau, Bree, Felix, Jaylee, Jason, Jace and James were all in here.

"I was just remembering a few things." I said not wanting to go into great detail. "Like." Jason went on. "Like memories." I sassed.

"So you had a memory when we asked you if you could shoot a gun?" Beau deadpanned before being hit in the head by Bree and Felix.

"Yes. When I was six my dad and mom started to teach me how to fight, shoot guns and fight with knives." I said quietly.

"Why?" Jace asked shocked. "Around that time the elf population was decreasing more and more each day and we tried to hide out in the deepest part of the woods of course. My parents knew I couldn't always rely on my water element. So they started to teach me how to fight and fight with weapons." I said with a sad smile.

"Did you have a sibling that you lost?" Jace asked before being hit in the head by Jason, James, Felix, and Jaylee.

"My mom was almost due in her pregnancy. If she wasn't killed, I would of had a baby brother." I said quietly as I fought to keep the tears in.

"Wow. I didn't think hunters could be so heartless. They killed a pregnant women." Bree said quietly.

I got up and walked to my window. The cave I use to live in was in the middle of that same forest that I used to live in with my parents. If I went deeper into the forest I'd find the abandoned houses, probably bones of elves.

The weird thing about elves bones, more of the skull is that you have the symbol of your element on your skull so it's just weird.

Like my skull if and when I die is that I'd have the water symbol in the middle of my skull.

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