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I was looking out the window. I could see everything. The hunters were on the farthest side of the clearing with their weapons but, I knew we had snipers in the trees. Then we had all the supernatural down on the closet side of the field. The closet side to me.

I was ready to use my powers and I was. I had the water look like tentacles that was slowly creeping up behind them. Until I knew I had enough.

I quickly used my hands to use it to go forward to grab the hunters weapons before I threw them far, far behind the supernaturals.

"THERES A WATER ELF NEARBY!" One hunter yelled. "Well. I guess they are smart." Jaylee said. "THAT CANT BE BOSS! WE KILLED THOSE CRAZY BITCHES LONG AGO!" Another one that was further from the boss I guess yelled.

Crazy bitches. I was angry now. Bree and Jaylee snickered. I used the water and used it as a tentacle once again but, I forced it into the guy who called the elves, crazy bitches, mouth.

He was trying to move but, I had other tentacles of water wrapped around him. I kept forcing the water further down his throat until I knew he was dead and I let the water go. His limp body fell to the ground.

"BOSS! THEY KILLED HIM!" Another yelled in pain. "AFTER WE FINISH THEM OFF! WE FIND THAT ELF!" The boss yelled.

"STUPID DUMBASS! WE DON'T HAVE WEAPONS!" Another yelled. I watched as all of the supernaturals took off towards the hunters as wolves made sure that none could escape.

I decided to be helpful and I made a wall around the field. Of course it was made out of water but, there was no way to get through that.

I saw that Jace gave me a thumbs up before turning around and shifting. I chuckled lightly. "He's such a dork." Jaylee said.

I nodded because I had to concentrate on the wall. The hunters looked very confused and they tried to fight back.

I was growing tired since this was such a big thing to do. To concentrate on. To keep together. The wall faltered a bit and some of the supernaturals looked back to where the treehouse would be.

"What's happening to the wall Jaylee?" Bree asked. "She's getting weaker." Jaylee said worried. I concentrated harder on keeping the wall up and the walls went up higher then before.

I ignored all the confused looks from both sides. I heard the screams and yells of pain. "I mind linked James to carry the message on that they need to hurry up and that this is a lot for Mira to take on." Jaylee said.

I focused more and the walls went higher and higher. Many of the hunters were watching the walls so that was when a lot were killed. There was still more. I saw that Jace was lying on his back with a major wound. I made two tentacles and I made them go towards Jace and they wrapped around him.

I pulled him out and above the wall before quickly bringing him to the treehouse. "That's bad Jace." I heard Jaylee said. "I know. How's Mira?" Jace asked pained.

"She's really focusing but, she's really pale and she looks exhausted." Bree said. "And that's as a few minutes ago." Jaylee said.

Little did they know, I could possibly die from this. Elves aren't really suppose to use there powers for something this large. This field is maybe two miles, three miles long.

That's just the length. The width is probably a mile long. "Check on her. Felix would be pissed if something happens to her." Jace said as he grunted in pain.

I heard a gasp from beside me. "They need to hurry up. She has blood coming from here ears and nose. Some is starting to come from her eyes." Bree said.

"Shit. How could I forget about that. Elves aren't suppose to use there powers for something for so large, let alone so long. She could die from this." Jaylee said.

"I mind linked James. He said to tell her that they could handle it. If they lost a few. No biggie." Jace said. "Drop it Mira." Bree said seriously. "No. If some. Away. Then more come." I said in pain. I heard a howl and I instantly knew it was Felix. More like his wolf. He knew I was in pain.

I watched as the final hunters were taken out and I moved the water back to where it gone before I gasped and I leaned forward.

I rested my head on the windowsill as I breathed heavily and my body felt weak. I heard running up the wooden steps. Multiple people.

"Jace." Jason said. "Is she okay?" Beau asked. "No dipshit. She isn't." Felix's deep voice snapped. Deeper then normal which means his wolf took over.

"Lucian. Calm down. Let Felix have control back." Beau said calmly. "No" he growled. So his wolfs name is Lucian.

"L-Lucian. Let Felix have. Control back." I got out before coughing. I heard a low growl. "Felix. You back man?" Beau asked. "Yeah." Felix said before I felt the shocks run up and down my back. Signaling that he was touching my back.

"Are you okay mi amor?" He asked. I nodded but, I kept my head down. "I'm serious. If there is something wrong. You need to tell me." He said seriously. "I'm just tired." I said quietly.

"Can we take you to the doc to make sure your okay?" He asked. "I'm fine. I promise. My inner elf even said we are fine. We just need to eat and sleep and drink water." I said which isn't a lie.

"Alright." He said unsure. I took one of my shaky hands up to my face and wiped away the blood that came from my eyes. I pulled my hand back and saw the blood on it.

Felix made me look up at him as he grabbed my chin roughly. He grabbed the shirt that was his from earlier in his hand and started wipe away the blood on my face.

He picked me up and my legs wrapped around his waist as my arms went around his neck. I tucked my head in his neck and I started to fall asleep.

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