Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Louis’s POV



“So who is single?” the interviewer, Alice, asked. She kept inching closer towards Zayn, who kept scooting closer to Niall, which was making this already tight fit, even tighter.

“Uh, I’m taken.” Zayn said, leaning back on Niall.

“Single.” Niall said, trying to push Zayn into the floor.

“Taken.” Liam said, thumping Niall for trying to push Zayn.

“Single.” Harry laughed.

“Taken.” I smiled.

“Ah yes, Louis, word on the street is that you have more than just Eleanor wrapped around your finger, care to explain?”

“Well, I previously adopted a little girl.” I said with a nod.

“A little girl? What led to this?”

“Well uh-“I didn’t really know how to explain this, so I froze.

“Well, then, we’ll talk more about this right after this break.” Alice announced, before the show cut to commercial.

“What happened Louis?” Harry asked

“I don’t know, I honestly don’t know why I adopted her. It just happened, I felt bad that she was going to be put in the system, and I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself had that happened.”

“Then why didn’t you just say that?”


“And we are back with One Direction, I’m Alice Ortanga, and thank you for tuning in to Super Exclusive. So, Louis, before the break we discussed that you had previously adopted a little girl, correct?”

“Yes, that is correct, Alice.”

“Well let’s bring her out then!”

A door to the side opened and Emma walked out. She was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a black shirt, a red leather jacket and a pair of red and white high-tops. Her hair was curled into ringlets and she had a light coat of foundation covering her freckles and a coat of mascara over her lashes.

She waved to the crowed and smiled at the camera before sitting on Zayn’s lap and resting her legs across the rest of us.

“Hi Alice.” She smiled sweetly.

“Hi, so, tell everyone your name.”

“Emma, Emma Grace Tomlinson.” She smiled with a nod.

“So Emma, how old are you?” Alice asked


“Wow, and when will you sixteen?”

“In March.”

“So you only have about five months to plan your big bash, huh? Hoping for a car?”

“No, I’m not asking for anything, the boys already bought me a puppy.” She gushed. A picture appeared on the screen of Harry, Niall, Emma and Hope, lying in Emma’s bedroom floor.

“Are you enjoying living with the boys?”

“Eh.” Emma shrugged, earning laughs from the audience. “Yeah, their great. Harry burnt my pop tarts this morning, Niall ate all the cereal and Zayn spilled the orange juice but yeah, as long as they feed me lunch I’ll be good.” She laughed, earning more laughs from the audience.

“So Emma, last question, if you could be anything in the world what would you be?”

Emma thought for a moment before responding.

“I would be as happy as I am right now, for the rest of my life.”

Emma Grace TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now