Chapter 31

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Sorry for not updating, Christmas had me busy!

Well, Christmas is over. )':

But, that means the New Year is soon coming! WAY!

Comment and tell me your New Years resolution and your New Years wish. (Your wish that you want to come true with in the New Year, like confessing your love to a crush, finishing a book, learning a trait... ect)

My updates may be slow until after New Years, so I'm sorry in advance.

I'm dealing with major drama, my bestfriend confessed her love to my almsot boyfriend last night. Now they love each other already and they both won't talk to me unless its acussing me of stuff. So I'm mad.

Please comment and tell me how to handle the situation, 'Cause i'm about to secretly tell her parents a whole bunch of stuff (All truth of course but still, bad stuff)

(Her outfit to the side)


Love you guys!

- Hayley


Chapter 31

Emma’s POV



I adjusted my ringlets so they fell over my shoulders gracefully, before examining my makeup one more time. I had a smoky eye look, winged eyeliner, almost flawless foundation, and my hair was curled into perfect ringlets and teased a little at the top. My outfit was gorgeous. I was wearing a black tank, tucked into a red, almost tutu type skirt, matched with a black cover up and a pair of black pumps.

I looked mature.

I looked sexy.

I felt uncomfortable and insecure.

I bounced down the stairs just as the doorbell rang.

“I got it!” I called, before opening the door with a smile on my face. Jared stood there in a pair of black skinny jeans, a white V-neck shirt and a black leather jacket.

“I thought I said dress up.” I said through gritted teeth. He flashed me a smile and cupped my face in his hands, pulling me to him and kissing me hard.

He pulled away and grinned again. “You look hot.”

I blushed and turned around to see each of the boys, different looks play on each of their faces.

Louis looked like he was about to kill Jared.

Liam looked like he was trying to remain calm.

Zayn had his jaw clenched and was cracking his fingers one by one.

Harry had his hands in fists.

And Niall, he looked ticked. Beyond belief.

Jared wasn’t leaving my house alive.

“Sup man.” Jared said, walking up to Lou and giving him a little fist bump thing, which Louis didn’t return.

“So, you’re Emma’s….” He trailed off, waiting to Louis to finish the sentence.

“Father.” Louis said, puffing his chest out slightly.

“Ah, wow. You’re pretty young. Must have some crazy stories to tell about your teen years, huh?” He laughed and I face palmed.

“So, who’s hungry?” I yelled as Louis opened his mouth. I grabbed Jared’s hand and led him to the dining room.

After he sat down I turned to Louis and mouthed.

‘Be nice.’

Louis ignored me though.

Imagine that.


If you ignored my (A/N) up there ^^^^^^^ Please go back and read it!


Emma Grace TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now