Chapter 38

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Emma's outfit is on the side------->

Dedicated to Melrox12, because she needs sleep. Even though I can't give you sleep, I can give you a shout out... SO SHOUT OUT TO YOU, LOVE!

Hope the rest of your day is amazing, my mouth hurts because I went to the ortho today, I can't tell you what they did because they speak in code, which I hate, and I no longer have a crush on my orthodontist, because even though he's as hot as a fire, he's evil. He killed my mouth with metal. It hurt. I wanted to cry. It still hurts. But, he is still hot, God help him.

ANYWAY, I've got a new dance soon, and I'm SOO excited! I start practice Sunday! It's going to be EPIC!!!

LOL, I hate that word, it's so stupid, Just like Bae, Boo, YOLO, and all those other words. (don't hate, thats just my view.)



- Hayley


Chapter 38

Louis’s POV


I stuffed my clothes into my suitcase, preparing myself for the long flight to Australia, where Emma was.

I hated the fact that she had to fly all the way there alone, but I just couldn’t go due to an interview and photo shoot we had to do this morning. But, as of now I was officially on Christmas break for the rest of December and the first two weeks of January.

I grabbed my suitcase and started walking towards the hall, but stopped when Eleanor appeared in the doorway. Tears streaking her face.

“El, what’s wrong?” I asked, dropping my bag. I ran to hug her but she pushed away, walking around me and sitting on my bed. She put her head in her hands and cried. I stood there awkwardly for a moment before sitting next to her, rubbing her back slightly.

“Eleanor, sweetheart, I need you to tell me what’s wrong.”

She shook her head slightly as she continued to cry.

“I can’t fix it if I don’t know what’s wrong, love.”

She laughed without humor and looked up, her red, tear filled eyes met mine.

“You can’t fix it anyway.”

“Eleanor, what’s wrong?” I asked again, worry lacing my voice.

She stood and walked to stand in front of me. She wiped her tears away and smiled slightly, even though the smile didn’t reach her eyes.

Emma Grace TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now