Chapter 29

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Drama, drama, drama! Please enjoy!

I need guy help!

I've never been the girl that guys actually liked, I've always been the friend. But, recently two guys whom I've been friends with for years both started flirting. I don't want to actually flirt back if it's just going to result in my heart broken. So, what would YOU DO and what do you think they are trying to do. To me it's just hard to believe that they all of a sudden like me.....

Emma's outfit on the side----->


Love you guys!!

- Hayley


Chapter 29

Emma’s POV


My leg bounced, my hand found its way to my mouth and I bit in nervously. I adjusted my sweater and began picking the nail polish from my nails.

I adjusted my beanie and pulled my curls behind my ear again.

“Chill out love.” Louis smiled, rubbing my back slightly.

“Chill out? No, no, you can’t tell me to chill out when I’m about to walk into Simon freakin’ Cowell’s office. This isn’t a fanfiction; he isn’t going to hire me as a singer. I’ve probably done something stupid in public and now he needs me to clean up the mess! I probably burped in public and someone got it on camera or something!” I whined, throwing my face in my hands.

Louis let out a laugh and rubbed my back again.

“Miss Tomlinson?” A blonde in a pencil skirt appeared with a bright red smile. “Mr. Cowell will see you now.”

I stood to my feet and shakily walked into Mr. Cowell’s office, Louis right behind me.

“Ah, Miss. Tomlinson, please sit.”

“It’s just Emma.” I smiled, before taking a seat in on the sleek black couch.

“Well, Emma, I want to discuss some things with you.” Simon said, pushing some papers around his desk. “You’ve been getting a lot of attention in the media lately.”

I blushed and picked at my nail and Louis cleared this throat, knowing it was still a sensitive subject.

“I want to give you some more.” Simon continued, and I looked up to meet his heavy gaze.


“I want you to start doing interviews, public appearances, and photo shoots.”

A large smile appeared on my lips.

“Let me ask, what do you want to be when you’re older?”

“I haven’t really put much though into it yet…” I replied, a blush appearing on my cheeks.

“That’s fine. Put some thought into it though.” He directed.

“We will get you set up with a photo shoot in two days, you’ll be on Tigerbeat magazine, sound good?” He asked, and I nodded.

“Okay, I’ll be in touch.” He said, and with that we left.

Louis was silent all the way to the car, whereas I was freaking out.

“Oh my sweet fudge cakes, I’m going to be famous!”

Louis shook his head slightly, his mouth in a tight line as he started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m not sure this is what I want for you.”

I scrunched my brow. “So? It’s not your life, it’s mine, and this is what I want for me.”

“You don’t get it, once you get thrust into the public eye there is no going back. They are on you twenty four seven, nothing is private. Eleanor’s and my wedding, I can almost guarantee that there will be paps attempting to destroy it. When we have a child, they will be there for that too. Nothing is sacred.”

“I don’t care. It’s not about that. It’s about inspiring people and changing the way the world works.” I argued. “If my story can change someone’s life and inspire them for the better then that’s great. What do your songs do? Encourage people to have sex?”

“Don’t you talk to me like that young lady; you don’t know the first thing about my music!” He yelled/

I rolled my eyes “You don’t have to be Einstein to hear what your lyrics say. I want you to rock me? Tonight let’s get some and live while we’re young? A pile of my close at the end of your bed? You guys don’t encourage girls to feel beautiful, or to be okay with the little things, you encourage them to be complete sluts!” I yelled, sliding out of the car. I slammed the door shut and stomped towards the house.

I opened the door and slammed it shut, ignoring the looks that the boys gave me. Louis came in behind me and slammed it as well. I made my way towards the staircase just as he began yelling again.

“Go to your room!” He yelled, just as I slammed my door. I opened it again and glared at him.

“I’m already in my room, jerk!” I screamed, before shutting it again.

“I don’t want you to come out until you’re twenty!”

I opened the door again. “Fine, I don’t want to see your ugly face anyway!”

And with that, I slammed the door and threw myself on the bed. Letting the tears finally fall onto my pillow.

Emma Grace TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now