Chapter 11

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I'm trying to update everything tonight.... Thanks for sticking with me! I love you guys!

Follow my Instagram hayley_oberg

Thanks for all the votes, and comments, and love!

Dedicated to liveelou_12 for being understanding, it means a lot love!<3

Love you guys!

- Hayley


Chapter 11

Emma’s POV


“Are you sure they will like me?” I asked for the thousandth time.

“Yes, Emma, they will love you.” Louis smiled, rolling his eyes playfully. I wasn’t convinced, and he noticed. He let his eyes travel from the road for a second to meet with mine.

“They’ll love you, because I love you.”

I smiled, my eyes began to water, but I was determined to keep the tears in. I nodded silently in reply and looked out the window, watching as the trees and houses blurred by.


Two hours later, and he had finally arrived at Louis’s parents’ house, and I was nervous as heck. This would be my first Thanksgiving feast- EVER, and never in my life had I met my grandparents, not to mention aunts, and Louis has a girlfriend, so that’s kind of like a mom, so this is all so knew to me, and to say I was anxious was an understatement.

I adjusted my scarf and pulled the pant legs of my skinny jeans down, tucking them into my boots; I fixed my sweater and ran my fingers through my hair.

“Stop fidgeting, you look great, and they will love you.” Louis nudged, taking the suitcases from the trunk. I took mine from his hands and trailed behind Louis up to the door.

Louis knocked three times, before the door swung open, revealing one of the prettiest middle aged women I had ever seen.

“Lou!” She squealed, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. He dropped his bag and hugged her, closing his eyes snugly.

“And you must be Emma!” She squealed again, before hugging me.

“I’ve heard so much about you, everyone is so excited to meet you!”

She let go and took our bags, setting them next to the door. I, once again, trailed behind Louis, trying to avoid any awkwardness.

“Louis!” A high pitch voice screamed, followed by many others. Soon enough I had been shoved out of the way, while a pile of girls jumped on Louis.

They all mumbled their greetings, saying how much they missed him and such, before he stopped them, turning to face me.

“Guys, this is Emma, my daughter.”

Those words were enough to make my heart burst. Never in my life had anyone said that, with such a proud look on their face. Anytime my father had ever referred to me as his daughter was when he was saying how disappointed he was in me.

“Emma, this is Eleanor, Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy, Phoebe, Doris, Georgia, and that’s Ernest. Oh, and that’s my dad, you’re grandfather, and you already met my mom.”

They all looked at me with smiles on their faces, waiting for me to make a move, so I did the only thing my brain would allow me to do at that overwhelming moment.

“Hi.” I squeaked, waving my hand slightly. They all burst into cheers, running and wrapping their arms around me, complementing me, loving on me.

I had never felt so much love in my entire life, as I did at that very moment.

And as overwhelming as meeting my new family may had been, I wouldn’t have traded it for the world.


“So Emma, tell us about yourself.” Lottie smiled, picking at the sweet potatoes on her plate. We had just said grace and were digging into our plates. Like I said before I had never had a Thanksgiving dinner, so I was trying not to look like a total pig while I ate the best meal of probably my entire life.

“Well… there isn’t much to tell.” I laughed slightly, swallowing the delicious turkey.

“Oh come on! You’re all Louis talks about when he calls, you must be interesting!” Doris laughed, causing me to blush.

I shook my head slightly, and Louis smiled.

“Well, she’s hilarious for starters; there is never a dull moment with her. She keeps us on our toes too; she’s always pranking someone and always has a prank up her sleeve. She’s got fashion sense, obviously, I mean, have you seen our interviews lately?  Our stylist was sick so Emma picked our outfits, and we all got complemented. She’s crazy smart, Niall just started teaching her how to play guitar two weeks ago and she’s already learned three songs. She can sing too, she doesn’t like to admit it, but she’s good. She loves reading; she’s also pretty good at painting, although she can’t draw worth a crap.” He laughed “She also has one of the biggest hearts ever; she cleaned the entire houses with hardly any help from me or the rest of the lads so that the house keeper could visit her family for Thanksgiving.” He smiled brightly, his blue eyes never leaving mine.

“She’s absolutely perfect.”

A small tear escaped but I caught it, I don’t think anyone noticed expect for Louis.

Johanna, or ‘nana’ as she insisted I call her, smiled brightly, leaning on her shoulders.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you speak so passionately about anything in your life, Lou.” She smiled, and I stole a glance at Eleanor, who seemed to be as captivated at Louis’s speech as everyone else.

“I can tell you two really are like father and daughter, I must admit, when I found out you had adopted a child I was skeptical, but I can tell I have nothing to worry about. I love you Lou, and my new granddaughter.”

I smiled, standing to my feet to give her a tight hug.

“I love you too Nana.”

Emma Grace TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now