Chapter 18

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Okay, so I've got a serious question about the book.

DO you want Emma to end up with one of the boys?

It's totally up to you!

So, comment and tell me!

Once again, dedicated to evilhimyname, because of another nice comment, and I like nice comments, they make me smile. And when I smile, I write better. So keep making me smile!




- Hayley


Chapter 18

Emma’s POV


I craned my neck and let it pop, before turning to the right and repeating the action.

“Good morning love!” Niall smiled brightly, as I rubbed my eyes with a yawn.

“I’m pretty sure it’s night.” I said, replying with a smile.

“Who made you so smart?” He asked, helping me out of the row of chairs.

“Louis.” I laughed, as he brought his hand to his chest.

“Ouch.” He mumbled, before handing me my carryon bag.

We walked down the ramp and into the building, to be met by flashing lights.

“Niall?” I called, the lights flashing, the cameras being shoved into my face.

“Emma! What’s it like living with the boys?”

“Are you dating Niall?”

“Is it true you’re pregnant with Harry Style’s baby?”

“Did Liam let you get a tattoo?”

“Emma! Emma!”

I pushed through, trying to find Niall.

“Niall?” I yelled.

An armed scooped around my waist and I was thrown over a shoulder, I opened my mouth to scream but stopped when I noticed Niall’s shoes.

He carried me through the crowed and rushed out of the airport. Once we were outside he hailed a taxi, before finally setting me down.

“You okay?” He asked, as he opened the door of the taxi for me.

“Yeah, that was scary. Where’d you go?” I asked

“I turned around because I left my phone on the plane; I thought you had heard me tell you. I’m sorry.” He said, hugging me. “I got scared when I didn’t see you behind me.”

“I got scared not knowing where you were, those paps are insane. They ask the most ridiculous questions! They asked if I was pregnant with Harry’s baby!” I grimaced. “That’s gross.”

Niall laughed, letting me go.

I yawned once more, before leaning on Niall’s shoulder again.

“How much longer until we get there?” I asked

“A good hour or so.”

I nodded “I can stay awake then.” I yawned, and he laughed.

His hand found its way to my hair again and I smiled as he started humming.

“Go to sleep Emma.” He whispered, and once again I obeyed.

Emma Grace TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now