Chapter 36

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The girl's outfits are on the side----->

Hope you are all having an amazing year so far! And  I hope you are having an amazing first day of school! I am!

Well, I'm homeschooled, so, yeah...

I'm done, and its only 11:30...




Chapter 36

Emma’s POV


I adjusted my leather jacket over my black and whiter floral crop top, before sliding my feet into my black anklets. My hair had been straightened, curtesy of Maggie, and my makeup was a smoky eye, winged eyeliner, lots of mascara, red lipstick, and my normal foundation, thanks to Lacey.

Lacey’s hair was in its normal unruly curls, her makeup was simple, nude eye shadow, winged eyeliner, mascara and red lipstick. Her outfit was a pair of light washed skinny jeans, a white tank-top and a pair of black vans.

Maggie had gone a little more simple. Her hair was pulled into a high pony-tail, and her makeup was very natural and light. She wore a large black sweater, a pair of blue leggings and pair of white boots.

I slid into my car, the girls sliding into the back.

“Where is-“ Lacey was cut off by my passenger door opening and Zeke sliding in.

“Sorry I’m late.” He gushed. His hair was spiked up messily, and he wore a dark blue polo, dark wash jeans, and a pair of black vans.

“It’s cool.” I smiled “But we for real were fixing to leave without you.”

He rolled his eyes and we pulled out of the drive, heading towards the arena.


“How the heck are we supposed to get in there with all those girls blocking the entrance?” Lacey asked as we stood back, watching the thousands of girls block the entry way.

“Well, we could call one of the boys.” I said, pulling my phone from my pocket.

Zeke pushed my phone back into my pocket, his gaze fixed ahead. We all followed his stare and a smile appeared on our lips.

“No, no, no!” Maggie said, shaking her head. “We’re going to get arrested!”


Of course we all ignored Maggie’s plea of sanity and got onto the golf cart anyway. Zeke started the vehicle and it was as if an alarm went off, because at least three workers began chasing us. Zeke pressed on the gas and we sped off, swerving around the parking lot.

We drove towards the crowed of girls and they all screamed as they scattered. I jumped from the cart and ran towards the window.

“I’m Emma Tomlinson.” I said, and the girl gave me a look before looking at a piece of paper. She motioned to a security guard who opened the door, ushering us all inside.

“That was eventful.” I smiled, bouncing on my toes as we walked towards the dressing room.

 Lacey laughed. “Yes, very.”

Emma Grace TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now