Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Emma’s POV


“I’m serious Zayn, it’s super weird. I don’t feel very welcomed.” I mumbled into the phone, sitting on the bed in one of the many guest rooms at Harry’s mums house.

“Ok come on, Emma. I’m sure they are loving having you around!” He encouraged, but I shook my head, despite the fact that he couldn’t see me.

“Yeah, if by them you mean Anne, and I’m not sure she’s up for visitors at the moment.” I mumbled the last part, mostly to myself. Right after Anna’s announcement I was rushed out of the room so Harry could have a word alone, I didn’t blame him, I would be mad too if my mom hadn’t told me she had cancer until Thanksgiving.

“You and Harry are the only ones there? What about the rest of the family, what about Gemma?”

“Gemma isn’t flying in until next week, she’s got Uni stuff.” I rolled my eyes at the comment, no hating on Gemma, because I had never met her, but if I knew my mum had cancer I would want to spend Thanksgiving with her, you don’t know how many more she has left.

“What did you mean Anne wasn’t up for visitors?” he asked, I could hear him shuffling around.

“It’s not my place to say, let’s just go with she’s under the weather.”
That’s an understatement, idiot.

“Hang on Emma, let me call you back, I’m getting another call.” Before I could even say bye Zayn had hung up, making me sulk on the bed.

“Emma!” Harry’s voice called. I stood to my feet and jogged down the staircase and smiled once I reached the kitchen, where Anne and Harry were sitting. Anne wore a tired, sad expression and Harry’s face held no emotion at all.

He crouched down on his knees so he would be on level with me, and I suddenly felt like the shortest person alive.

“Hey, sorry love, but we’ve got to cut this trip short.” He frowned, and I frowned too.

“Should I pack our things?” I asked, pointing towards the stairs and harry looked to Anne.

“Well, I’m staying. You’re going to go.” He said slowly, and I bit my lip.

“Oh, yeah. Okay…” I trialed off.

“Zayn’s coming to get you and you’re going to go to his families Thanksgiving, then Niall will pick you up from there and you two will fly to his parents’ house.”

I nodded silently and walked back up the staircase, before entering the bedroom. I slowly slid down the wall and placed my head in my hands.

Why did this always happen? Why, when things got rough, I was just pawned off on someone else? Was I so much of a burden that I couldn’t stay? I get that Anne may not live long, but she’s my family now too, so why can’t I be here to spend time with her?

Why do I always get sent away?

I shrugged the thoughts off and packed my stuff back into my suitcase, before boring waiting for Zayn’s arrival.

As I waited my mind was clouded with thoughts of how I could be better, or less of a burden. So that’s when I decided, I wouldn’t give the boys any reason in the world to dislike me, I wouldn’t make them mad or cause them any issues. I would be perfect from here on out. And that would include my appearance.

I would be perfect.

Emma Grace TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now