Little Girl

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Raina's POV.

Four and half months after the banquet on Gatalenta Luke and Raina still hadn't had any luck in getting pregnant. For one thing they hadn't been able to see that much of each other.

Right after the banquet Luke began getting word of skirmishes across the galaxy. Pretty soon the New Republic called on the temple to take care of some of them. Jaina, Luke and Lando had recently been contacted to take care of a possible female slave trade on Canto Bight. They were to disguise themselves as rich business people who were only interested in the party atmosphere.

Jaina had offered to come along to help out. She suggested that she could try and get inside the trade by obvious ways. Luke and Ariana weren't sure at first. They didn't want to put her in danger, but finally Jaina convinced Luke to let her. He agreed as long as he could keep close contact with her through the Force.

Meanwhile, Raina, Han and Chewie has been sent on a mission to escort the Queen of Naboo to Felucia on a diplomatic mission. Chewie had gotten back to Coruscant a couple months ago like he promised, he brought Ash. Ben was extremely pleased.

During the last four months Han and Leia had as usual been extremely busy with diplomatic and military missions. Han had been accompanying Leia as much as possible during her pregnancy and was extremely attentive. It seemed he didn't want to make the same mistake he had during her pregnancy with Ben.

Leia appreciated it, but Raina knew, from private conversations, that she was gradually getting slightly tired of her husband presence. She loved him dearly, but his extreme attentiveness was driving her crazy.

For this reason Leia finally gave Han a job away from her. Reluctantly he took it, and asked Luke to accompany he and Chewie, but seeing as Luke had other responsibilities, Raina took the offer to join. It had been a while since she and the former pirate had spent some time bonding.

Leaving Jacen, Kyra and Daren in charge of the temple the two head master's went off on their own adventures.

Dirk was also on his own mission on Endor assisting the Ewoks in a dispute. He had taken his padawan with him as well. Nekén and Trist were on Lah'mu with their padawan to help sort out a despite over property between some farmers. The temple and the Jedi were finally in full swing along with the Republic. The mission Yoda had given Luke on his death bed was being fulfilled.

Raina knew Han was having a hard time leaving Leia on her own since it was so close to the baby's due date. At the moment Leia was on Chandrila with Tara as her escort. Han had barely accepted Leia's mission out of fear that she would go into labor while he wasn't there once again. He also had a slight fear that something would go wrong.

Because of this Leia compromised and agreed to have a Jedi escort while meeting with the Chandrila government. Before they had left Leia told Ariana how she hoped her presence on the mission would keep Han's mind at peace.

After jumping to hyperspace Han, Raina and Chewie say back int when chairs. Raina went to check on Queen Soruna, who was extremely kind and when the Jedi returned to the cockpit she found Han ranting to Chewie.

"I just worry is all."

The Wookiee answered back with a growl.

"Well do you blame me? The last time it happened I was halfway across the galaxy and didn't even make it to see my own son's birth! I mean what kind of father misses his own son being born?"

Chewie's reply seemed sympathetic.

"Maybe. I don't know, Chewie. I just want to start this kid off right you know? I try with Ben and I won't ever stop tryin'. I love him more than my own life, but I can't go back and change the past. I guess I just don't want to make the same mistakes with this one. It's like I've been given this unplanned second chance. I can't screw this up. I'd never forgive myself if I did."

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