Not Right

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Raina's POV.

Luke and Raina had remained on Dantooine for the last two weeks. The doctors said Raina was too weak to leave. Luke insisted to stay with her while she was resting up. At first Raina had begun to feel better, but soon after the wedding of her padawan she began to feel strange again. Five more episodes had occurred since then. The doctor still could not find a problem. Raina was concerned. She was just beginning to feel her baby moving inside her. She did not want anything to happen to her baby.

Jacen's wife had been extremely attentive. She would have Raina company in her room while Luke net with the temple over the holo. Lisia would also make sure Raina got her medicine that the doctors gave her for pain.

Raina was standing on the balcony looking out at the spring fields when Lisia came in.

"Good morning Raina."

"Good morning Lisia."

"How are you both feeling?"

Raina sighed and rubbed her bump. "We're doing alright."

"Good I have your medicine and I brought the drink you like to take with it."

"Oh how nice. I haven't had it for a couple days. Thank you."

Lisia handed the drink and pill to Raina.
She took the pill and sipped the drink, slowly.

"I heard Master Skywalker in the conference room downstairs. It seems he is needed at the temple."

"Yes, I know. He refuses to leave me."

"You are in safe hands here. Why won't he return for a time while you rest?"

Raina shook her head and sighed. "I don't know. Luke is very. . .protective of me-of us."

Lisia hummed you herself as she ran her fingers along the back of a chair "Well maybe you can give the nervous father a push. The temple shouldn't suffer because clearly his fear to leave you. It's very similar, from what I see, to running a planet."

"In a way, yes. I think you are right. I will talk to him."

"Wonderful! We will have such a nice time while you are here. Of course you will rest, but we can get to know each other a bit more as well."

Raina grinned at the young woman and nodded. "I'll look forward to it."

Lisia smiled. "Right. Well, I will let you rest. Remember just keep sipping that and if you need anything at all just call the maid. She will let us all know."

A little later, Raina had begun to feel weak so she laid down for a while. Luke had come in without her knowing. Soon, she woke up and saw her husband sitting on the edge of the bed taking his tunic off.


He turned in surprise. "Oh, honey I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

She shook her head.

"Are you feeling alright?"

She nodded without a word, even though she still felt strange. He nodded and stood to finish undressing.

"Why don't you go back to the temple?" She finally asked.

"What? Raina we talked about this. I'm not going to leave you."

"Luke, it would only be for a little bit. I know they need you. It's your duty to look out for the temple." She strained to say.

"It's also my duty to look out for you and my child."

Loving Skywalker - Book (3)Where stories live. Discover now