Chapter 2

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    1    stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.


Mulan is now 17 years old.

"Next up... Mulan Anderson!" Mulan walks across the stage grabbing her high school diploma and shakes her principals hand. "I'm proud of you! You did it" her principal hugs her. "Thank you" Mulan smiles.

She is more than proud of herself. All those early mornings, irritating students, tests, and snobby teachers with bad breath is over with.

"MULAN!! That's my daughter!" Mulan hears her mom yell in the crowd. She laughs still wearing that huge smile. "I really did that" she says to herself walking back to her seat.

August 6th, 2017

It's Mulan's first day of college. She's feeling both excitement and sadness. Excited because of all the college experience she'll gaining. Sad because she has to live in the dorms her first year of college.

"I'm getting your room" 12 year old K'amari plops on Mulan's bed. "Girl boo" Mulan laughs shaking her head. "I'm thinking fairy lights around the ceiling and mirror" K'amari plans. "I'm thinking.. don't step foot in my room or you're going to get it" Mulan mocks her little sister. "Whatever" K'amari waves her big sister off getting comfy in the bed. "K'amari I jus made that!" Mulan stresses.

"Im sleepy"K'amari yawns drifting off to sleep.

Mulan finishes getting her stuff together. While her baby sister Azariah walks in. "Sleep over!" Azariah jumps in bed with. At this point Mulan jus leaves them.

She rolls her suitcases out of her room to the front door. "Can't wait to have one less mouth to feed" Lexi strolls out her room. Mulan laughs "whatever you along with the gremlins are going to miss me"

"Tuh as if" Lexi snickers. "You're going to miss me before I miss you" Lexis says crossing her arms. "Is that a challenge I smell?" Mulan asks sniffing the air. "Hell yea" Lexi exclaims.

"Okay the first one to call crying 'i miss you' loses" Mulan says. "Loser treats the winner to breakfast, lunch, and dinner" Lexi finishes. Mulan thinks about it, "Okay deal" they both shake hands sealing the deal.

"Come on and drop me off" Mulan says grabbing her moms car keys. Mulans stepdad, Darwin, comes in the house.

"Wh- Damnit! That's today?!" He asks palming his face. "Yup" Mulan says as Lexi rolls her eyes. "I completely forgot.. um-"

"Jus carry her bags to the car so we can leave" Lexi walks inside of Mulan room. Darwin nods picking up the bags and carrying it to the car as Mulan pops the trunk.

"Sorry kid" Darwin apologizes after properly putting everything in the trunk. "It's fine" Mulan shrugs not really caring. Darwin puts his hand on the back of his neck feeling bad.

A lightbulb went off.

"Take this" he hands her a couple hundred dollar bills. "I know you saving for that car" he adds once she took the money. "Thanks" Mulan counts the money.

"Let's go shorty!" Lexi comes out the house with her little sisters following. They all get in the car.

Mulan stares out the window the whole ride. "This is really it" she thought as she passes houses and cars.

"Oh my gosh this really happening" K'amari voice cracks. Mulan looks at her sister and then at her mom smirking, "thought y'all wasn't gon miss me?" She laughs popping the trunk.

"She's acting" Lexi said giving K'amari a warning look before getting out the car, leaving K'amari confused.

Everyone carried in a bag Mulans to dorm room. "Looks like we got here first" She says. "Girl you're a day early" Darwin jokes

Hours passed an Mulans side of the room is some what set up. She jus need more decorations she'll get that from the store.

"Alright boo" Lexi sighs dusting her hands off. "It looks good" both said in unison. Mulan giggles shaking her head.
Mulan POV
"Hey roomie" a girl says excitedly. "Hey.." Im unsure what to do.

Should i ask for her name? Should i help her?

I haven't had to make new friends in a while.

"Are you a Sophomore? I never seen you around" the girl asks. "No im a freshman" i shake my head.

"My name is Quin I'm a Sophmore here so if you need anything im here" she smiles showing off her bottom grill. "I'm Mulan.. thanks" I smile back. "Mulan.. I like that" she states.

Here goes nothing...

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