Chapter 8

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    1    stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.

September 18,2017

I begin to wrap my braids in a bun then started on my edges. "Aw you look so pretty" Quinn watches as i get ready for class. Quinn switched her class schedules to evening just so she doesn't run into someone, she told me who jus forgot. Its jus her being dramatic

"thanks" I smile cheekily.

I pick out the bag i'd want to wear today. I filled it with everything i would use.

"Oh! i heard there's a party this Saturday" she informs me. I nod sliding my sandals. "I wanted you to come out with me" she nervously fidgets with the linen of.

I stop what i was doing lifting my eyebrow to think of any plans i might have.

Shes been trying to get me to go to one of these parties ever since our first night in the dorms. Usually i have an excuse.

I guess she took my silence as me saying 'yes' as she squealed, "i have the perfect dress for you!"

"Im not wearing a dress" i shake my head rapidly, watching her run to the closet pulling outfits out. Looks like she already had my outfit together .

"Why not" she stops in her tracks. "How about the skirt? I jus brought it" she starts.

"Nope. Im wearing pants" i say not paying attention to her whining.

"You can pick my top".

"I guess" she flops on my bed. I laugh at her having an attitude with me. "And my shoes" i add, she huffs. "That's the best i can do" I lie.

"I don't want you to wear pants" she whines with her eyebrows furrowed.

"If you want me to go that's my condition" i say standing overlooking my outfit once more.

"I have to go" i grab my bag. "Bye" she gives me a smile as i leave.

We are in the middle of my last class lecture when the door opens. I feel bad if that's someone in this class because they missed a lot. Im writing my cornell notes when someone sits next to me. I finish writing my thoughts i look to see its Dominic. He glances at me giving me a head nod. I awkwardly smile before shifting in my seat.

As im taking note I readjust my pencil and it falls on the floor. "Geez" I mumble under my breath as i watch it roll to the front of my desk. "I got it" one of my classmates that sits in front of me says as he reached for it.

"thank you" I whisper. He gives me a cheekily smile before turning around.

I decided to take a risk and peek at Dominic. I jump slightly as my eyes found his.

"What are you doing here?" I ask once Professor Burns was done talking and is sitting at his desk. "This is a college" he says in a monotone, i involuntarily roll my eyes.

"I mean sitting next to me"

"My seat was taken" he yawns leaning on his desk. I glance over and sure enough it was.

Class ends and i start gathering my stuff.

I look at Dominic, "So about our project i-"

"I wont be able to make it" he cuts me off.

At least let me get my sentence out

Instead of saying what I thought i jus gave him a tight lipped smile.

"Can you send me the notes from Today?" Dominic asks as he stood to his feet, i nod.

"Appreciate it" he left. "So you and Gardener huh"

I jump a little

"Sorry" its my classmate that picked my pencil off the floor. "My names Cj" he smiles shyly

"Mulan" i say continuing putting my notes up. "So you and Gardener" he repeats. "Y'all look cute together" he adds on. I gave him a straight face. "Im just saying" he held his hands and he up before laughing.

"Its nothing like that" I sling my bag onto my shoulder walking out the class with him hot on my trail.

"Sure"he chuckles a little. "So look a friend of mine is having a party this Saturday and if you're free you should swing by"

Even if Quinn wasn't dragging me to some party i'd rather stay in bed watching my Grey's Anatomy.

"Sorry i have plans"

"Oh- uh thats coo...erm have fun" he clears his throat before walking in the other direction.

My phone rings, "hello" I placed it by my ear after answering. "wasssup" Jude says through the phone.

"Hey" i smile. "What you doing?"

"I jus got out of class and im figuring out what i wanna eat tonight"

"Mm i heard that fat ass" he snickers as i roll my eyes.

"Or you should jus call off a bet with your momma" he laughs.

"Shut up" I crack a smile but i frown when i see Dominic at his car.

"Never gonna happen" i shut down any further suggestions thats are along the line of me calling off the bet.

"Do you know what will happen?! I will never be able to live that down!" I exaggerate.. slightly.

"Yes i know. Lexi is hella petty"

"I rather that then not being able to eat a proper dinner!" He exclaims

I laugh loudly, "im having proper dinners" i defend.

"Bro Mikey D's and simply fresh isn't a proper dinner" he smacks his lips. "It is in my book" i mumble as i look up again just to see Dominic watching me. I quickly ignore his hard stare.

I make my way to grab something to eat with Jude on the phone.

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