Chapter 6

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1 stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.

September 2,2017

"I miss you Jude" I pout into the phone. "Well come see me then" he says as he ate his salad.

"Thanksgiving break in two weeks so you come see me" I wiggle my eyebrows. "I know your fat ass can't wait" he teases me. "Yea Whatever" I roll my eyes. "Where you at?" He said looking in the phone. "Walking to the corner store since my roommate has a tummy problem so I'm getting her some ginger ale" I said referring to Quinn.

"Okay... & whats yo fat ass getting?" He states clearly making fun of me. I smack my lips, "some snacks"he bursts into a laughing fit.

"I know you not laughing you eat way more than me" Im walking into the corner store. "I eat heal-"

"Damn shorty you jus gone pass me like you don't see me?"

"You got a nice round ass ain't to big ain't to small"

"Dont ignore me. Damn Id bend you ways you aint know was possible then pass you of-"

"Aye put me on speaker" Judes jaw ticks

Knowing i dont have time to stop and argue i jus listen. "Aye! You gon stop looking at her or ima-". "Man it ain't ev-"

"nick?! Yea ima beat yo ass watch" Jude threatens. "I aint kno-"

"Ima see you" is all Jude had to say for the boy in front of me to shut his mouth letting me walk into the store.

As I search for the ginger ale, "I think ima have to transfer back" he lets out a long sigh. "No youre not!" I laugh taking him off speaker.

"Yes I am. Walking to the office now. I can take online classes and when ever I need help I'll jus-"

"Stop it. When you become a famous you're not going to be with me 24/7" I roll my eyes. "Oh yes I am whenever I leave you coming with me" his voice dripping with authority.

I laugh. "How will i be able to live my life?" I question. "Easy......." as im listening to his reasoning im carrying all my snacks and Quinns soda to the counter.

"Hold on Jude" I paid for my snacks.

"Thanks" I walked out.

"Text me when you get home I got a meeting with my counselor" Jude orders me as I put the phone back to my ear. "Jude! You better not be doing-" Boop Boop Boop

I pull the phone from my ear twisting my face up.

"Did that bitch jus hang up on me?" I ask myself, in shocked. I shake my head putting my earphones in.

"Anderson!" Someone yells out.

I'm crossing the street shifting my bag to my other hand.

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