Chapter 10

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1 stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.

September 24,2017

I made my way to Dominic and got in his car. "Finally" he says irritatedly. I mentally roll my eyes.

I wonder what crawled up his ass.

"Smoking already?" I ask with a scoff. "Yes mother" he mutters, I sigh, slipping my seatbelt on as he sped out the parking lot.

I took the time to slightly admire what he wore and how he drove so smoothly with one hand as the other holds his blunt.

"You keep staring" he growls. I feel myself get hot and antsy. "I was wondering why you're extra mean today" I mumble, he shoots me a glare before returning his attention on the road.

"Thank you for picking me up" i say sincerely. He glances at me, probably figuring out if it was genuine. "No problem" he nods.

This morning i got a call from my sisters saying they were home alone. So being the sister i am, im going over there to make sure they are safe.

"Im sorry we can't work on our project today" i watch his facial expressions change from straight face to he's up to something.

"Oh ima swing by later" he smirks stroking his chin. "What do you mean?" I ask not liking the feeling in my gut.

"It ain't rocket science" is all he said before silence took over the both of us.

"Thank you" i say as i close the door. "I'll see you later" he says rolling the window down.

We stare at each other "are u going to go inside?" He asks awkwardly. "Oh yea" i giggle feeling embarrassed. I walk up to the front door knocking. I glance back to see him still there watching me, i frown.

"It's Mulan!!" I smile hearing Azariah yell. "Okay then open the door stupid" i frown hearing K'amari calling Azariah stupid.

The door opens, and the living room is the first thing i see.

It was a mess.

I step into the house closing and locking the front door.

"Where's mom?" I ask not caring if Gardener left or not.

"Mom and daddy left" K'amari said making her presence known. "How long was she gone?" I ask puling my phone out. "Umm they were gone when we woke up but she already made dinner its on the stove" K'amari yawns laying on the couch.

"Let's get this all cleaned up" i take deep breaths walking into my room. I can hear their complaints from my bedroom. I open my window for fresh air.


"How's your sisters?" My mom asks after answering the phone. "Azariah is taking a nap and K'amari is playing the game" i answer while trying to clean my room up. "Tell her ass to turn that game off and get ready for bed!"

I roll my eyes

"Okay i'll tell her"

"Look i have to go to another meeting"

The line goes dead. I scrunch my face up dropping my phone on my bed.

Despite what my mom said i gave K'amari an extra hour on the game.




I groan turning over trying to ignore my phone going off.


My eyes open alarmed.

Someones trying to kill me, was my second thought.



"Damn" a voice groans in agony. I squint my eyes turning my nightstand lamp on.

I sighed feeling relief as Dominic stands up. "What are you doing?" I ask

"Why are you coming through my window at this time?!"

I check my phone, "-its 12:32am!"

Dominic ignores me walking into the bathroom. I roll my eyes walking out my room.

"You're still up?"

I jumped seeing my mom eating on the table. "Uh yea i-i jus woke up to check on the littles" I stutter. She nods waving me off. I frown but continue

K'amari is sleeping, i turned her tv off. Azariah is still sleep, i made sure her night light was on before walking out.

I walk past the kitchen not seeing my mom.

"What are you doing?!" My eyes widen when i see Dominic

"Where are your clothes?!" I whisper-yell

"Im here to see you and now im getting comfortable" he says in monotone, taking off his sweater and sliding his grey sweats off.

He looks up at me with his low red eyes.

"You're high" i say making sense to his behavior.

"Not really" he mumbles laying in my bed.

Isn't that what a high person would say?

I sit next to him criss cross style.

I quietly examined his face that spoke an untold story.

Failing to ignore his defined abs that was evident above the waist line of his boxers, where a 'V' was held, which I knew led to his goodies-


I close my eyes and breathe in slowly trying to get back on track with my train of thought.


Dominic's eyes were covered with one arm.

"Don't you want to talk about it?" I ask softly. He stayed still.

Giving up i turned the tv on, lowering the volume.

I turn my nightstand lamp off when i feel his muscular arm wrapped around me pulling me close to his side.

I stiffen feeling uncomfortable with the closeness.

I'm spooning with THE Dominic Gardener.. THE legendary asshole.. MY classmate/ project partner

I feel heat between my legs.. weird

I clear my throat as he rubs his hand up and down my forearm. "Still don't wanna talk?" he simply shakes his head with a soft growl. I nod, biting my lip.

He nuzzles his face into my neck.

"Are you comfortable with this?" his warm breath hits my bare neck as he spoke.

We're in a kind of weird position, I'm laying on my back when he has one of his leg on mine as his arm is covering my stomach and his face is in neck. For the most part his body heat is keeping me warm.

I nod. Gathering myself together enough to speak,

"Make no mistake we're talking first thing in the morning" he groans pulling my covers over us as he pulls me closer to him.

I turn on the parkers and put the remote on my nightstand.

He shifts his head onto my chest as if i was his personal pillow. I didn't mind as my hand found its way up to his ear. I slightly rub on it.

"Goodnight Gardener" i close my eyes.

"Night Anderson"

This was a intimate position and i knew it was wrong but I honestly didn't have the heart to stop this.

I think i kinda sorta may have.... liked it?

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