Chapter 5

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1 stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.

(A/N: this chapter is the same thing as the last chapter just in Mr. Gardeners POV)

August 23, 2017

I yawn fighting my sleep as i watch Burns ramble. I groan in my seat wishing i would've attended college.

Why didn't i go to college four years ago?!

Oh yea. I thought it was a brilliant idea to take a leap year and got lazy. Now I'm being forced into attending college.

Burns shoots me another warning look before pulling a piece of paper out of a small box.

"To get points in my class you need to participate" his words repeat in my head.

"Mulan. Havent heard from you in a while, why dont you join in" the class goes quiet as i try to decide what i'd want to eat after this.

"Love is a verb" i hear some snicker from behind me. "Yes Ms. Anderson it is a verb" Burns glances at me then back on a student.

My eyes land on the back of the head of who im guessing is Mulan by the way she's fidgeting with her pen.

"To be honest i never thought about the concept of love" Burns presses her to continue.

"Um well I dont really say it and I suppose that's because of an incident that happened that changed me as a person.." she says slowly.

I can tell she's unsure of her answer. Should i jump in?

I do need the points.

"Go on" Burns pushes.

"uhm my dad kinda left me at a young age so.. i-i think the lack of my fathers presence affected me to where i d-don't really show people how i feel I should.. Hopefully I answered-"

"Love is more than a verb its also a noun..." i surprise myself by cutting in.

Burns looks just as surprised as me.

"Care to explain"Burns smirks at me. I roll my eyes glancing at the girl in the front.

Our eyes immediately met for a split second before i looked away.

"I've met people who went through the same situation as her" my eyes flicker over to her.

"Instead of pitying yourself better yourself. Take your father absence as a lesson-"

"Lesson of what?" She cuts in, fair enough.

"Lesson of knowing I probably did something wrong? To fix me?" Her calm eyes are now enraged.

I had to admit it got my excited to know i made that happen

"This is why I don't to share"

If she'd shut up i can explain myself.

"People can't handle shit" i feel like she grilled me in with her eyes.

"No share" her eyes glisten with something im not familiar with

"I honestly want to hear where you were going with this". I continue eyeing her before sucking a breath in.

"Im jus saying instead of being hurt take it as a lesson... Use that to strengthen yourself, give back love even on your worst days. Today, theres a lot of people in this world that get hurt.. rolls up in a ball and gives up on the world thats part of the reason society is failing. People are missing the love so they dish out hate"

I catch myself quickly eyeing her for reassurance before I continued.

"-Now I'm not saying you're full of hate either because on a personal level i don't know you" i finish

"Okay class" Professor Burns claps.

"Thank you Ms. Anderson and Mr. Gardener" i nod subtly.

Ms. Anderson... soon i'd get her first name.

I can only imagine her anger for me.

The professor looks complete with how todays debating session as he gave me an assuring nod before i walked out.

I get my points but also an angry sexy female on my list.

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