Chapter 18

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1 stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.

December 22, 2017

"You make me wanna say yeaaaa" Jude sings loudly walking into my room. After a while he agreed to move into the guest room.

"Ma dukes back in town" he plops down on my bed, "and she wants to see us" i look up at him from my show. "Really?! I thought we'd see her on Christmas" I cross my legs giving him more space, "when are we leaving?" I ask. "Shit, um i'm thinking later" he says after pondering, "She still jet lagged" he shrugs.

"The fam went out doing last minute Christmas shopping" he says. "I already finished" he yawns, "as you know i'm the best gift giver in all time" he brags. "If i knew you would drag that out I wouldn't have told yo ass" i laugh, "i was in heat of the moment" i exclaim, Thinking back when I hyped Jude up for getting me some earphones for my birthday.

The laughter does down, "i was thinking we could visit Genesis and check on her family" i blurt out. "I was thinking that too" he nods. "Bet it up my G" i go to dap him up, trying to lighten up the mood. "My car here" he smiles, "Smoke session?" He wiggles his eyebrows. "What a pot head" I laugh as he smacks his teeth, "lets go" i hop out.

"I'm driving" he says walking into my bathroom. "i'd hope so" i snicker, "it is your car Jude" i call out putting a different shirt on. "I still can't believe you gave that nigga the car back" he laughs causing me to laugh. "It was his!" I exclaim fixing my hair. "Its the fact that he aint ask for it back" the toilet flushes and sink turns on, "you should've kept it until he did" he comes out drying his hands. "See me and you are like sun and moon" i point out, "I give peoples shit back" i finish the last touches then grabs my vanz.

"I give shit back just would've kept it at least after I did Christmas shopping" he shrugs. I slipped my shoes on, "and who says i didnt already do them?" I make him reconsider his claim. "But i didn't see-"

"Isn't that the whole point of this?" I ask checking my outfit, "to be a secret until the gifts are open?" I look at him. "Shut the fuck you" he mumbles as we walk outside, "you missed my point jack ass" he mushed my head before slipping into the front seat. "No I didn't miss shit, you jus couldn't deliver it" I laugh putting my seatbelt on. "Keep talking shit and you getting coal this year" he threatens, I look at him trying not to laugh.

He looked so serious. "You pull that stunt this year again I'm throwing hands" I put on my best fighter face.

That's how the rest of the car ride is, us just clowning each other and smoking.

"Am I a simp?" I ask as I pass the blunt back. "Yea" Jude shrugs. "You act like you don't care about someone that did you wrong but deep down you care but you think you showing others that's you don't care is going to make you really not care.. You know?" He turns to me as I gape at him. "you don't have to be loud about it" I mumbled. I look back at my life, "huh I guess I am a simp" it was silent before we started laughing. "So there is this Christmas party or is it an early new years party- whatever the fuck it is we are going" Jude looks at me like giving men's warning look to not argue.

what did I do? Made it to an argument

"No I am not. Me and parties don't mix you know this better than anyone" I shake my head. "You'll be fine you will have me there" he shrugs. "Didn't you go to a party with your roommate?"

"I knew I shouldn't have told you. I did and she abandoned me"

"You're going" he finalized leaving no more room for arguing.

I huffed crossing my arms while he teased me about being childish, "You can even bring Damion" Jude says. "Damion? Bro you mean Dominic" I burst into a laughing fit. "Shit my bad, got mixed up with my little cousin Damion" he shrugs.

"I got a sugar momma" he confesses. I look at him shocked, "Wait a damn minute. You're fucking a old hag" I scrunch my face in disgust.

"Shut the hell up" he laughs but then starts choking. I pat his back, "try some water" he shoots me a glare.

"She's in her late 40's, and rich with no kids" he shrugs. "See hell no, how you find that and I can't find a non toxic relationship" I smack my teeth. He laughs, "have u met her in real life?" I ask curiously. He stopped laughing, "You in my business? Don't do that" he mimics this guy off of tik tok. "You know what you are giving? Giving very much head ass vibes" I say following a head nod.

"And you're giving stink pussy vibes" he mimics. "I-"

"So you wanna talk about genitals?" I gape before continuing. "Giving very much dodo crumb butt" I say laughing so hard I bend over holding my stomach as tears fall.

I must've hit a nerve because next thing I know I'm being hit upside the head. "Ow! Jack ass" I exclaim holding my head. "Nah you know you wrong. It was one time and it was because Mr. William trifling box shaped face ass didn't let me go." he mugged the fuck out of me making me laugh harder. "See I knew telling you was a mistake. Always using that against a nigga" he grumbles.

"At least nobody but you and genesis were the only people that knew. Miss pissy pants pee'd in front of our whole 1st grade class then had the nerve to push some girl down the slide after she pointed it out in front of everyone." I stopped laughing as he starts laughing.

"Unt uh take my ass home. NOW!" I mean mug him as he shrugs me off.




I groan as I hear my phone go off. I try to leave it hoping it was apart of my dream but then my messages start going off.

I stay still.

Tap tap tap

Tap tap Tap

I frown staying still so I can hear better.

Tap Tap Tap

That sounds coming from my window. My body freezes.

I peak over my shoulder a little that I might see a serial killer outside my window.

My curtains are closed so I have to get up. I secretly reached for my bat under my bed and I slowly walk over to my window.

I can hear my heart beating rapidly.

I take a deep breath clutching on the bat.

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