Chapter 3

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1 stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.


It's the next day aka my first day of college

-and my roommate Quin is walking me to class since hers is in the same building.

"Welp there's professor Dean.. he's normally cool jus don't eat in there" she laughs shaking her head while I nodded watching as people walked to their classes. "Bye chica" I turned to her.

"B-"Quinn caught me off guard with a hug. After she pulled away she smiled walking away... weird

I opened the door and seen no one in here. I was a little early so I took a seat near the front.

"So you are one of those?" My head shot up to where the voice was. I seen an older man, stood about 5'6, wearing a dress shirt, jeans and all tied together with black converse. "Sorry" we shared a laugh. "I usually don't have students that want to be here which means we'll have a good year" he shot me a genuine smile before going back to setting up. I pulled out my phone and made myself busy.

"Aye!" Someone yelled out as I made my journey to the bus stop. "Aye!" The person called out again. I wish whoever that person was talking to would turn around! I already have a headache

"Excuse me" someone pulled on my arm turning me around. "I think I have math with you.. what's yo name?" That someone turned out to be a lightskin with curly brown hair, stud earrings, and he smells like weed. "Um I didn't have math today" I let out a awkward laugh. I slightly pulled away and continued walking.

I sat in the front of the bus making my way to the house.

Me and my moms "bet" doesn't start yet because she still needs me to watch my sisters. Shes adjusting her work hours.

I had an incoming call from my guy best friend Jude.

Now he calls me? Tsk tsk

"So your bald headed ass just wasn't going to call me?" He munched into the phone. "I jus got out of class I'm on my way to my moms house" I rolled my eyes. "Mhmm how was your first day?" He asked.

I told him how my day went as I sat on the bus.

I start opening the front door. "Well I'm home so I-"

"Nah lemme talk to the gremlins" he chuckled pausing his 2k game. I rolled my eyes walking in the house.

"Mulan!!" I smiled as Azariah yelled. She rushed to me while K'amari snatched my phone. "Heeey brother" She cheesed all in my phone. "Hey sisterrr" K'amari started walking to the kitchen as the two talked. I rolled my eyes

"Hey boo" my mom came all dressed in her work clothes. "How'd your first day go?" She asked tying her hair in a bun. "It was pretty easy. We jus went over the syllabus today" I said as she gave me a nod. "Well that sounds boring.. make sure K'amari stays off all electronics lil girl is in trouble" she rolls her eyes.

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