Chapter 14

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    1    stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.

November 5,2017

"Why would you buy tickets to leave at 12 am?!" I complain as i reach Dominics car.

He's leaning against the hood of his car. A navy blue Nissan Altima, this must be new.

He opens the passenger door for me. "Shut up and get in the car" he chuckles closing the door after me.

"Besides by the time i get there it'll be 3pm here you'll be jus getting out of class" he says as he gets in the drivers seat.

I look at him, "that was thoughtful of you" He shakes his head pulling out of the parking lot.

"I cant believe you are letting me drive your car"

"Exactly why you are driving my least expensive car" he jokes. "How many cars do you own?" I ask noticing his change of cars every other week.

"Well right now i own 4 out here and 1 in Italy" i nod amazed.

"You hungry?" He asks. "Umm no" i shake my head. "Meaning yes" he rolls his eyes. "No I'm
Not, i jus woke up"

"I'll get something on the way back" I quickly add as he gave the famous glare.
"This is me" Dominic sighs pulling in front of the airport. I put my McDonald's breakfast sandwich wrapper back in the bag

Yes this man forced me to eat it.

As I'm cleaning my hands he gets out to get his luggage out.

"Be safe" i pout as i hug him. "I will" he hugs me back.

I feel warm and safe. I rather stay like this. Knowing I can't

We pull away looking at each other.

"Please be in one piece next time i see you" he says seriously. "Aren't i always" I wiggle my eyebrows, playfully. "Surprisingly" he smirks

He cups my cheeks with his hands looking deep in my eyes.

he smiles, slapping my cheek lightly. "Alright Anderson" He grabs his bags.

"What would you do if i kissed you?" He questions with his eyes searching mine.

Before I could even think of an answer he claims my lips as his.

I moan as Dominic's tongue finding mine in a twirling dance he slightly pulls away kissing the corner of my mouth affectionately.

"You are going to be late" I met his gaze, he has that same seductive smile on his lips. Just a simple tilt on the corner of his perfect lips that made me want him to kiss me again.

Instead i get a dark chuckle from him as he moved closer until my boobs were pressed against his rock hard chest. I look down at how my breasts are sitting up.

"See you soon, Anderson" his finger taps the underside of my chin raising my eyes to meet his, our lips inches apart.

"Bye Gardener" i whisper looking at his lips. He closes the space between our lips.

In this moment I could only think about how good he tasted. He definitely had lips of a devil.
"Jude i jus got home and i'm sleepy" i yawn as i get back in my dormroom. "You really not going to tell me who the dude was?" He asks.

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