Chapter 13

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1 stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.

November 3,2017

My phone goes off. I quickly silent the call. The phone rings again. I groan snatching it up to answer.

"What?" I ask irritated. "Is that how you answer your phone?" Dominic's deep voice fills my ears.

I shiver a little. "Sorry.. what do you want?" I notice how sweet and soft my voice sounds.

Not my proudest moment.

"Better. Im outside." He says hanging up. I frown

Stretching before i get up to look out the window.

There he was, sitting in front of the house. He better be lucky my mom or stepdad isn't home! I swear he loves to try and get me in trouble

I went to brush my teeth and wash my face, walking out the bathroom seeing my sisters knocked out on my bed from us watching movies all night.

Quickly grabbing a jacket off my desk chair, i walk out the front door to Dominic's car.

"Hey" I smile softy, silently thanking the Gods as i slipped in his warm car. "Wassup" he looks over at me before sipping some water.

"So what you need?" I ask shifting in my seat.

"To chill."

This was our every other night ritual after September. Wherever I was- didn't matter if it was here or my dorm room, he'd pull up jus for us to sit in the parking lot. It didn't matter if we talked or jus stared off into space, we both enjoyed each other's company.

I got comfortable reclining his chair all the way back so i can lay down. I knew how this went.

I let out a small yawn. "You sleepy?" He looks at me, i nod biting my bottom lip. "You sleep too much" he comments making me roll my eyes.
"Why are you back at school?" I ask randomly remembering he said he'd graduated with an Bachelors degree. I watch him focused on his phone.

"My uncle wants me to brush up on my math skills i guess. Plus i need my Realtor license and business license." He says glancing at me, licking his lips.

"Hows your uncle by the way?" I ask cautiously not wanting to make him uncomfortable. He shrugs, "Haven't spoken to him since he made me come back to school". I frown

"He's not the social type" he adds

"Is that who made you wanna go to college in the first place?" I ask taking in his appearance.

He's jus wearing a wife beater paired with red sweats.

It's ridiculous how with the simplest clothing on he still looks handsome.

"Nah it was to give my mom something to be proud of. First generation to ever finish college. My moms aint get the chance because she had me when she was 19 and her family made her drop out" he says shaking his head.

"How's your sisters?" He asks quickly changing the subject. "They're doing alright.. sleeping in my bed right now" I shrug pushing out another yawn.

He nods smiling a little, taking the breath out my lungs. "When am I going to meet them?"

"You wanna meet the family already? We haven't even gone to dinner" i joke. He chuckles, "we will"

I nibble on my bottom lip, "cant wait"

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