Chapter 11

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    1    stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.

September 27,2017

I speed walk out of Professor Burns class

dialing Judes number.

"Yoo" he sung into my ear. "Did you book your flight?" I ask. "Yes mom and im coming in around 2 in a morning so stay up" he chuckles. "Why-"

"I know that's not what you called me for tho" he smacks on his food, i cringe.

"I jus wanted a distraction from my recently confused life" i sighed, taking my normal walk to Jersey Mikes.

"Your mom still acting weird?"

"Yea.. her doing this is messing my schedule. Especially with me having no car" i stress. "I hear you, exactly why i need to live out there" he states Casually

"What? No i got it"

"How?" He asks

"Well i jus have to start sleeping at her house, take my sisters to school, then ill take the bus back here and still make it on time"

Its silent

"Im not gonna lie that sounds pretty solid" he caves

"Thank you" i smile

"Too bad it wont get set in motion" he yawns. "And why is that?" I ask. "Because it sounds stressful, its gonna push you to your edge and you're gonna lose it" he says

"Well thats what I'm doing so"

I look up and see Dominic walking towards me. I frown,

maybe he left something in class

"No youre not-"

"Can we talk" Dominic asks. My eyes widen already knowing Hides about to-

"Aye whos that? Mulan!" I hear Jude.


I sigh

"Um yea jus give me a second" i keep my stare on Dominic. "Jude i have to go.. i'll call you later" i hang up sliding my phone in my pocket.

"Lets walk" he says.

I follow his steps in silence. Fuck it i need answers

"So you weren't there when i woke up" i state, silently wishing for a explanation.

but instead im met with... Silence

"Why did you come to my house" i ask

"I told you"

I frown not being able to remember.

"I-i don't remember"

"Your loss" he says as we reach his car. "Get in" he orders.

I stand there

"Get. In." He repeats a tad more hostile than the first time. "No" i held my ground. "Mulan" he warns. "I'm not getting in until you answer my questions" i make eye contact with him, letting him know im serious.

"If you get in i'll think about your questions" he says. "No i want an explanation"

"Okay" i smile getting in the car.

He lets out a dark chuckle following me, he starts the car and gets on the road.

"What happened yesterday?" I waste no time in getting answers.

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