Chapter 7

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1 stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.

September 17,2017

now in my dorm room doing a little cleaning since Mr. Gardener is coming over to help with the project. He tried to offer to do it at his place but i wasn't comfortable with that.

I asked Quinn to stay out a little longer so we can focus, she gladly agreed.

My phone went off indicating i had a text from Mr. Gardener telling me he's here. I unlocked my door then sat down in my bed.

Five minutes later the door opened, as he walked in i took in his appearance. He's wearing a grey nike sweatsuit.

"Wassup" he greets sitting on my bed. "Hi" i smile a little. "I brought some stuff for the project" he pulls items from his shopping bag.
A few hours later we are far from being done with our project-

"You notice we never call each other by our first names?" He brings up. "I guess we can thank Professor Burns for that" I shrug. "My names Dominic" he holds his hand out. I eye it with a eyebrow arched.

"I wanna start over"

"Mulan" i give him a friendly tight lipped smile. He stares at me the smacking his lips, "You playing bruh move" he shoves my hands away from him.

I start laughing almost obnoxiously, "no im serious".

I take a deep breath to control my laughing, "okay im sorry come on... Im Mulan" i held my hand out. He looks at it with his lips poked out to the side.

Its my turn to give him the deadpan look.

He eventually held his hand out shaking mines. "Dominic"

I smile, "okay Mr. Gardener lets start" i pull my project packet out my bag. His face held a deadpan look. I jus laugh.
"Okay im tired" i yawn, crawling to my pillow. "Nah man we not finished" he pulls at my legs as i laid my head down. "Really? Its not due until March" i yawn again.

He smirks cockily. "What?" I ask curiously.

"You must like working with me". I blink a few times before laughing. "Is that what you got from all that?" Im still laughing.

He looks at me and lets a sigh out. "Alright ima go" he stands up slipping his shoes on and walk over throwing his hoodie on. He grabs his keys that was on my nightstand.

"Text me when you get home okay" I call out while yawning, he chuckles shaking his head. "I got you" he licks his lips standing back up. "Bye" i mumble as he walks to my door. "Ima lock it from the inside" he informs me as I hear a few locks followed by my door closing.

Welp thats my cue

Eyelids suddenly get heavier as i cuddle up with my big side pillow.

Today was surprisingly productive

I thought as i fell into darkness

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