Chapter 16

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    1    stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.
November 24, 2017

"Is it just me or thanksgiving left overs be bussing the day after?" Jude asks with a mouthful of mac and cheese.

"Are you eating mac and cheese with yams?" I exclaim with my face scrunching up. Jude looks at me then scowls at my plate. "Yo you nasty, eating stuffing"

"Better than yams" i fake a gagging sound.

Now this is how petty Jude is.

He stood up from his seat next to me, sat across from me just to make faces at me. "Youre the pettiest boy i know" i laugh.

He scowls, "this is full grown man right here the fuck" he flips his imaginary weave. "Stop i- i can-"

I clutch my stomach that was in pain from me laughing to much. Jude watches me with a smirk in his face. "Im goin to sleep" he finishes his food walking away from me. "Asshole" i mumble glaring at his backside as he walked to MY room.

The second night i made him sleep on the couch because he pushed me out the bed the first night but since my moms been home she made me move to the guest room, and gave Jude my room. The disrespect is valid

He's the son she never had but wanted i SWEAR.

The only reason im not mad about it is because i get away with certain things now that her attention is on her "son" Jude.

"Mulan! Im going over Jasmines house" my mom walks into the kitchen fully dressed with K'amari and Azariah behind her. My Aunty Jasmine is my moms friend from middle school.

"Make sure Jude does the lawn" she adds, i nod. "We might go to the store later you need something?" I ask finishing my food. "I left a list on the fridge" she smiles as if she just knew i was going to ask.

"Bye gremlins i'll be sure to let Jude know of the betrayal" i shake my head at my sisters. "What?! No we jus-"

"Save it. No excuses" i hold my hand up. "Stop teasing them" my mom laughs pushing me. I dramatically fall off my chair, "ow! Big heavy handed self" i cry out laying on the floor.

"Its that big head you got" my mom calls out laughing as they walked out the door.

I chuckle rolling my eyes. I get off the floor once i heard them leave.

I connect my phone to the speaker as i tidy up around the living room and kitchen.
"MULAN!" i hear Jude

i jump, looking up "huh?" I ask clutching my chest. Jude yells inaudibly, I scrunch my face up walking to my room. "Jude if this isn't life or death im going to beat your ass" i mumbled walking up to my door.

"What now-"

Almost automatically the air in my lungs left.

He was standing in the middle of my room.

I jus stare in his eyes as his eyes wonder my body.

What felt like hours, he clears his throat

"Who was that?" Jude's voice filled the silent room. I clear my throat, "Dominic" my eyes not leaving his. His filled with rage. "This is Jude"

"Oh shit smells toxic" Jude laughs hysterically dashing out my room.

Dominic nods walking closer to me, i can tell something was off with him.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I squint my eyes. He looks at me slightly tilting his head, "im walking to you"

"Here. What are you doing here?" I ask more clearly. "I wanted to surprise you but it looks like you're full of them" his voice held venom in it. "He- he's my best friend"

Ugh! No im suppose to be mad not him. He doesn't get to-

He grips the back of my neck bringing me close to him. "I hope for your sake you don't have me looking stupid" his nose lightly caresses my jaw.

I pull away from him, "you ignored me" i say

"Why?" I ask, i watch as his eyes turn soft for a second before he covers it. "Ride with me?" He asks. "Dominic" i say warningly. "Jus ride with me" he pleads. I nod immediately, "just let me tell Jude" i whisper before dashing out the room.

I walk into the guest room to see him sleep so i leave a note on his phone. I slip my pants on over my shorts before walking back to my room.

Dominic was sitting on my bedside he looks up, "You doing your hair?"

"Yes jackass" I roll my eyes walking to my.body mirror.

Dominics jaw flexed, "Did you sleep with him?"

"what do you mean? " I ask. "Like share a bed?" I ask glancing at him through the mirror.

"My mom let him stay in my room" I shrug pulling my hair in a low bun. "Where do you sleep?" He frowns. "In the guest room. Where Jude is now" I shrug fixing my edges. I stood up washing my hands and finding a jacket.

"Ready?" He asks causing me to nod. "Come on" he walks to the front door leaving it open for me to walk out. I grab my mom's shopping list before i walk out the front door and lock it. "How did you get here?" i ask not seeing another other cars. "Uber" he shrugs.

"Can I drive?" I ask, he smirks. "Please" i add, he nods. "I see you can drive" he mumbles before getting in the car. I roll my eyes getting in the drivers side.

"Anywhere particular?" I ask pulling off. He shakes his head, "jus riding" he yawns slouching down in his chair.

As im driving i notice he fell asleep. I decide to let him sleep as i trap myself in my thoughts.

He looks so peaceful. I can tell the trip to Italy was something else..

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