Chapter 12

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    1    stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.

October 31

"You better stop!" I laugh into my earphones. "Nah you got me fucked up you wanna call me knowing you looking crusty" Jude flames as i know he's secretly takes screenshots of me. "Boy bye! I did my hair" i smack my lips. "Yea right. Then why you wearing that scarf looking like someone's Aunty that be yelling at other people kids?" He busts out into a laughing fit. "Now im not showing you how I got my hair done" i jus rolls my eyes. 

"I'm jus playing wit you best friend" Jude says as his laughter dies. "Yea Whatever.. when is your flight?" I change the subject. "Umm the week before thanks giving so...." Jude trails probably looking at his flight ticket. "The 21st which is a Friday" Jude finishes coming back to the FaceTime app.

"Okay let me know the time you get here and I'll come get you" I say walking in the house. "I hear the gremlins! Let me see them boujee ass kids" Jude exclaims. Jus like clockwork Azariah and K'amari come running towards me dressed in their costumes. Azariah snatches my Phone and runs to the couch with K'amari behind her. "Don't get knocked out!" I call out rolling my eyes walking to the kitchen.

I walk to the fridge seeing a note,

"Working a little late. Take them trick or treating i'll be back later

Love you,

I crush it throwing it in the trash. I wash my hands before making me a plate of leftovers.

"So it's just us.. around 4 we'll leave to go trick or treating.." i announce snatching my phone back from my sisters.
"Trick or treat!!" Azariah exclaims jumping in excitement. "Oh look at you! Wait let me guess" the old white lady puts her thinking face on. "Are you Audrey from Decendants?" Azariah face glows up nodding. "Yes! I am, How'd you know?"

"my granddaughters have been over here and every chance they get it's on my television" the old lady laughs shaking her head. "Her too she knows Audrey lines and every song" i laugh slightly.
Walking away from a house, "Y'all got enough candy" I ask feeling my feet aching. "Uhh one more block and we'll both be full" K'amari says Azariah nods.

"Finally!" I sigh as my butt touches the drivers seat. "You're extra" K'amari laughs. "Oh no I'm not I been walking all day! I can't wait to get home and watch scary movies" I exclaim starting the car up letting the heater get warm. "We have to stop to get popcorn and ice cream really quick" Azariah says from the backseat I agrees. "Okay but we're staying inside the car" K'amari adds.

"Of course" i laugh thinking she doesn't want to go in because she is tired.

"Come on pick a movie I'm going to take a quick shower" I jogs to my bedroom. I walks straight to her dresser laying out her Halloween pajamas that matches Azariahs and K'amaris and went to shower.
"Y'all ready?" I yell out grabbing the blankets. I walk to the kitchen seeing our spread.

"What are we watching?" K'amari asks grabbing some popcorn. "It's a surprise!"

"I should've known you guys were going to pick Hocus pocus" K'amari says after the movie ends. "Next is nightmare before Christmas" I type the movie in and presses play.

"Call Jude!" Azariah demands. "Why" I put a stink face on. "Because this is his favorite movie" Azariah said in a duh tone. "Whatever" i mumble calling Jude. "Don't get salty because of that was your best friend you'd know that" she replied back.

"Miss me already ladies" Jude smirks into the phone. "Hell no" i  roll my eyes as i hand the phone to my sisters.

I cuddle closer with my blanket letting out a sigh.

"My movies on?! Ugh I wish I was there" Jude pouts. "I know I miss you Jude bug" Azariah pouts. "I'll be there soon don't worry riah" Jude says. "Now prop me up so I can watch my movie your face is starting to get hideous" Jude jokes making Azariah smack her lips.

"Please this face is a money maker" Azariah says unbothered, i let out a loud obnoxious laugh.

Three Halloween movies later.. I woke up to a face full of feet.

"Stank ass feet" my voice groggy.

I quickly carried Azariah to her bed, and since K'amari is heavier and didn't want to get up i left her to sleep on the couch. Yes, by herself.

I walked to my room and went back to sleep. This time without the feet.

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