Chapter 9

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1 stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.

September 23,2017

"Open your eyes!" I groans as Quinn finished my make up.  I open my eyes preparing for the worst-

"Wait this is actually not that bad" she gave me a more natural look. I sit up a little more trying to get a closer look at my makeup. "You say it like you're surprised" she said a little offended. "I am" i mutter still keeping eyes on my reflection.

I cant lie its almost unbelievable that someone such as Quinn is capable of doing something that isn't obnoxious.

"Come on" she drags me towards the door.

We get out of the uber and I'm amazed with how beautiful this house looks. The music is so loud that i feel bad for the neighbors.

"Come on" Quinn grabs ahold of my hand leading me up the driveway and into the house.

The walls and ground vibrating by the loud speakers. "Lets get a drink" Quinn drags me passes a couple swapping spit and into the kitchen.

I watch her as she starts mixing whatever she could get her hands on into two cups. "I call this the Q- stroyer.. its sure to give you the best first drunk experience" she boosts, shoving the red cup filled with her "famous Q- stroyer" in my hand.

"Cheers!" She clicks her cups with mine before lifting her cup to her lips. I cautiously do the same watching her take a big gulp. I take a small sip which was enough for me to make a stank face. "This taste like-"

"Hey sexy!!" Quinn eyes immediately light up i look up
in the direction she starts walking in and seen some girl.
They share a kiss and my eyes widened in shock.

I didn't even know she had a girlfriend.

"You came by yourself" the girl asks as her eyes wondered over Quinn's body. "No remember i told you i was bringing my roommate" Quinn giggles before tugging on the girls handing walking over to me. "Baby This is Mulan, my roommate. Mulan this is my girlfriend, Aaliyah"

Aaliyah dressed in jeans and a crop top with a black snap back. "Hi" i smile holding my hand out. "You don't look like the party type" Aaliyah eyes me totally ignoring my hand so i drop it slightly irritated. "Don't mind her she's not a people person" Quinn interferes probably sensing my mood. I jus nod, "that's something you two have in common" Quinn adds and i scoff.

"I have to go to the bathroom" Aaliyah spoke up. "Oka-"

"Come on" Aaliyah tugs on Quinn's hand. Quinn sent me an apologetic smile before leaving. I roll my eyes taking another big gulp of whatever she put in my cup then dumped it out and made me something more sweeter.

"Excuse me" a low voice says. "Sorry" I move up more to the counter letting whoever pass. "Nah you good" i look to see a fine featured brownskin.

"You here by yourself?" He asks making him a drink. "No my friend is in the bathroom" he nods laughing a little. "Whats funny?" I cock my head to the side getting a view of his face tattoos.

One on his eyebrow, one going straight down in front of his ear, & one right under his eye. 

"Bathroom long line so you're gonna be lonely for a minute" he shrugs taking a sip from his red cup effortlessly.

"I'd like to keep you company tho" he says lowly.

What if Quinns on her way back? I could jus wait for her.

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