Monday - Day 1 Page 3

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Finally, the bus driver reached the destination Jessie noticed the school right outside the window, Jessie and the other students left the school bus to enter the school as Jessie entered the school he started walking down the hallway searching for the principal's office, while walking down the hallway Jessie noticed a janitor mopping the floor, Jessie walked up to the janitor and said "Excuse me sir" in a nervous tone "Do you know where the principal's office is?", " Yes" the janitor replied pointing to the door at the right marked principal's office "Thank you," said Jessie with a smile on his face "No problem" the janitor replied returning a smile.

Jessie knocked on the door to the principal's office, a man opened the door his eyes were as blue as the sea and he had slicked back brown hair "Hello I'm Mr. Winston, you must be the new student Jessie Beckham", said the man as he put his hand out for a handshake Jessie shook his hand and said " Yes I am sir and I am very happy to be here" "I'm glad you are, let me show you around" said Mr. Winston with a smile.

Mr. Winston directed Jessie to his locker and gave him the code to open it then Mr. Winston showed him the cafeteria after that he showed Jessie where the washroom was and then carried him to his classroom, Jessie turned to Mr. Winston and said "Thank you for showing me around the school" "No problem" said Mr. Winston after this Mr. Winston went back to his office, Jessie entered the classroom and started walking to the back of the class trying not to make eye contact with the other students and sat in a seat next to a window at the back of the classroom.

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