Saturday - Day 6 Page 32

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Ellen pulled over next to Rachel's house and parked the car, then she got out of the car with Jessie and Rachel and walked up to the door in the porch, Ellen knocked the door and Rachel's mother opened it "Hello Mrs. Beckham" said Rachel's mother "Hey Rachel!", Rachel gave a calm smile and said " Hey mom", Rachel's mother turned to Jessie and said "You must be Jessie, Rachel told me about you" Jessie gave a shy smile and waved, Rachel's mother returned a smile and said "Come in everyone" gesturing to the inside of the house with a smile.

Ellen sat on the sofa with Jessie and Rachel while Rachel's mother sat on the single chair in front of them "Before I say anything else, I would like to thank you Mrs. Beckham for taking Rachel into your home" said Rachel's mother with a smile "No problem, she's wonderful you have a good daughter" said Ellen returning a smile "She doesn't deserve what's happening to her, neither do you", after saying this Ellen turned to Jessie and Rachel and said "Can you guys give us a minute", " No problem" Jessie replied, he turned to Rachel and said "Let's give them some time alone" "Okay" said Rachel in a calm tone, after saying this the both of them got up from the sofa and went outside in the porch and Jessie closed the door behind them.

Ellen noticed a small picture of two babies one of them was wearing a pink hoodie and had on a pink beanie while the other baby was wearing a light blue jersey and had on a light blue beanie "Who are those two babies?" asked Ellen with a smile "Oh, that's Chloe and Katelyn" Rachel's mother replied "They're Rachel's twin sisters...they died before Rachel was born...and it's all my fault I shouldn't have left them with him that day" said Rachel's mother as tears fell from her face "I'm sorry" said Ellen.

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