The Week Before Moving To Dallas Page 39

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"Wake up sleepyhead," said Ellen "Huh?" said Jessie as he opened his eyes, "It's time to get ready for school," said Ellen with a smile "Oh and don't forget to brush your teeth before you eat" "I won't," said Jessie "Just making sure you don't forget," said Ellen, then she left Jessie's room, Jessie groaned as he got out of his bed "It's a pain going to school here every day, I can't wait to leave New York," Jessie thought.

Jessie left his room and made his way to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, then he took a shower and came back to his room "I don't live very far from school but mom would still give me a ride to school" Jessie thought. After getting dressed, Jessie left his room and sat down by the kitchen table to eat his breakfast.

After eating breakfast Ellen gave Jessie a ride to school, Ellen parked in front of the entrance to the school "Do you want me to walk you to class?" asked Ellen "No I'll be fine" Jessie answered "But what if-" "It's fine mom I can handle it" said Jessie preventing Ellen from finishing her sentence "Why are they still doing this?" asked Ellen "I thought the principal handled the matter after I spoke to him" "That wouldn't make them stop though" Jessie answered "They'll never stop" "Thanks for the ride mom" after saying this, Jessie left Ellen's car and entered the school "Don't worry Jessie...soon we will leave this place and we'll move to Dallas where you and I can have a new start" said Ellen "We'll finally be free from the city that never sleeps".

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