Sunday - Day 7 Page 34

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"Are you ready?" asked Ellen "Yeah, I packed two suitcases, one for me and one for Rachel" whispered Rachel's mother "Is he there now?" asked Ellen "Yes I'll call you back when he leaves" whispered Rachel's mother "Okay" said Ellen then she hung up the telephone and turned to Jessie and said "Jessie, go and wake up Rachel".

Jessie got off the sofa and walked over to his room and knocked the door, "Rachel" said Jessie "Door's open" Rachel answered, Jessie opened the door "Hey" said Rachel with a smile "Hey, mom told me to wake you but you're already up" said Jessie "Oh I'll be right there" said Rachel "Alright" said Jessie, he closed the door and walked up to Ellen in the kitchen and said "She's coming", "Okay" said Ellen "This is her breakfast and this is yours" "Thanks mom" said Jessie "You're welcome" Ellen replied, Jessie took Rachel's breakfast and then he took his and went over to the kitchen table, he placed Rachel's breakfast on the table then he sat down and ate his.

Rachel came out of the room, Jessie turned around and noticed Rachel walking up to the kitchen table "Good morning Mrs. Beckham" said Rachel with a bright smile on her face, Ellen turned around and said "Good morning Rachel" returning a smile, "I'll be right back I'm just gonna brush my teeth" said Rachel "Good, brush your teeth first, don't be like Jessie" said Ellen, Rachel giggled after hearing this "Hey! that was yesterday, I brushed my teeth before eating today!" said Jessie "Yeah I guess Dallas is changing you, back when we lived in New York you would always eat breakfast and brush your teeth a while after" said Ellen "I even had to remind you at times" Jessie puts his hand on his face and said "No mom! how could you sell me out like that?" Rachel laughed along with Ellen after hearing this.

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