Thursday - Day 4 Page 21

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Me. Jensen dismissed the students after checking their work at the end of the period, Jessie stayed in his seat as usual but with Haley, Jane and Stephanie next to him Mr. Jensen placed his marker in his bag and walked over to Haley and asked: "Haley what's going on with you?" "When I told you, Jane and Stephanie, to leave Jessie alone Jane and Stephanie stopped, Stephanie even apologized", " But you continued to provoke Jessie, apologize to him", Haley turned to Jessie and said "I'm sorry for provoking you" "Hey it's alright, it's no big deal" Jessie replied.

Haley turned to Mr. Jensen after she apologized to Jessie, "You didn't do any of the math questions, Jessie did the math questions, even Jane and Stephanie did the math questions" said Mr. Jensen "Before you performed commendably in your schoolwork, so what's going on with your performance now?", "I'm sorry" Haley replied forcing a smile "I'll try to improve" "That's what I want to hear, put your best foot forward," said Mr. Jensen with a polite smile then he looked at Jessie, Haley, Jane and Stephanie and said "I'll see you guys tomorrow".

Haley, Jane, and Stephanie left the classroom after Mr. Jensen did, Jessie stayed in the classroom by himself, he took his phone out of his bag along with his headphones and chose a song on his playlist, he leaned back on his chair listening to the song through his headphones " I wish Rachel was here, she made it easy to get through each day" Jessie thought "I just wish she would tell me what's bothering her".

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