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Stranger p.o.v

"Did you done what i told you to do ? "I asked . "Yes sir we install camera in the mansion". "And what about bedroom did you install camera in bedroom". I asked "yes sir we done that". "Good.....but sir why are you doing this are so close to then especially zander night then why he asked"." Just do you work". I said angrily...

"bluddy trash don't know there rank". I mumbled. "Now angel i can see you daily and wait for the right time to get you and make you mine". I smirked........

Zander  p.o.v

It has been 2 weeks since we are on honeymoon. Ella started to trust me and i think somehow forgiving me.

Now im in my office talking about some business....."Zander you have to come to office....someone is  trying to hack our system". Adam said. "But Adam you can handle this situation why you need me there know im on my honeymoon and Ella started to trust me". I said. "But zander that important and i cant handle that part please come". Adam plead . "Ok" i sighed.

Few minutes later.....

I came downstairs and saw my angel is watching  t.v.. "Angel pack you important things we are leaving in few hours". I said while calling pilot. "But zander why i like living here". Ella whined. "My angel we come here next year bow we have to go i have some important business to attend there". "Ok "she said while with sad expression. "Good" i said while moving outside to inform guards about our leaving.

Its has been 2 hours we are in plane and my angel is sleeping beside me. Damn she is looking so cute as well hot......i want to make love. I kissed her lips at this she wake up and started to kiss me......after this i leave is lip .....she is breathing heavily .....i started to lick and sucks her neck then her chest......."my angel i want you right now" ........"get it my" angel said while kissing my cheeks.........

After 1 hour later......

After our love making angel goes to bathroom to change and i also wear my cloth....few minutes later we hear the announcement this  angel also came out of bathroom we move toward our seat.

Now we are moving toward our mansion......."zander i want to eat ice-cream....can you get that please."..."ok".....i  said while kissing her cheeks......i moved toward the ice cream parlour to get my angel favourite ice-cream....chocolate mint.....

"Give me chocolate mint" i said while looking toward our car.....suddenly i heard the gun shots.....i grab the gun from my waistband and started to shot ...."go shield Ella "i yelled to my guard "but sir you"..."i said go" this my guards move toward the car.....

few minutes later....there is silence all around i kill all the men ......i also been shot in my shoulder but im ok now because i have seen the worst.

When i enter the car i saw my angel is crying ...."shhhhh my angel don’t care everything is alright now"....i tried to console her... "that is terrifying" my angel said ...."i make sure of this you will never see this". I said while patting her head.....

.when she look toward my shoulder she gasped....."zander you got shot" . She said" i know my angel but that not painful" ....."we need to go to hospital"....."no need to go to is waiting for us in mansion".

When we reached home ....Ella took my arm on her shoulder. I laughed .she looked at me confusingly "what"
" nothing im not that much weak i can walk myself you know" i said while smiling at my angel cuteness.

"I think we should go inside" my angel said while trying to hide her blush... i laughed even more......


Hi guys......

Here is another chapter, i hope you will like it........

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Until next time............

Take care.............

Bye .............

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