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Zabder p.o.v

It has been 1 week since we leave the hospital and now we are in mansion. Today im going to face adam after our last encounter in hospital. Yes now......i didnt leave Ella side since we are in hospital......till now in home.

I can sense that Ella is still in depression. And im just giving her some time to overcome this.

Now im on the bed while Ella is sleeping beside me. I slightly remove her hand chest. And wore shoes and move toward the door. I slightly open the door careful not to wake my angel. She is having nightmares and she hardly sleep now.........

i moved downstairs. "Anna "i called.

"Yes sir".

"Make sure when Ella wale up.... give her some food Ok "i said while moving toward basement.

"S-sir what you gonna do with sir adam? "Anna asked nervously.

"Im going to torture him"....i said darkly.

"Sir can you leave sir adam after all he his your friend". Anna said trying to convince me.

"why Anna......because he is your son"....i said emotionaless face.

Her eyes widened. "How did you know?".

"Do you really think that i didnt check on you". I said while moving toward the her.

"im leaving you just beacause you take care of me. Otherwise i also punish you...and about adam he will be torture and get worest punishment ever".

"He try to steal the most precious person from me.......not only that he kill my child the heir of my company and the prince of mafia world". I said angrily......

When i reached downstairs ....i order the guard to open cell.......when i enter i saw adam in really very bad condition.

When i enter he look toward me.

He smirked "how my star and how is your child .....oh i forgot he is dead". Adam said while laughing i punched him on the face.

"How dare you kidnapped my angel and kill my child. Now i show you my real beast".

"What you are gonna do....hmm.....kill me... torture me.....beat me......han
...that all you can do". Adam spat angrily.

I grabbed his hair tightly....."no i show you how it feel when someone is burning you....i show the real mean of pain". I said while pulling his hair from his head.

At this he screamed...."Adam i promise you at the end of this torture you will be asking for my punishment"......i said darkly.

"Give me sharp knife" i said to my man. He placed knife on my hand. I placed knife on his face.....and started to scratch on his face.

Adam tried to take his head away from knife but my man grabbed his head.

After making scars on her full face i add salt and lemon on his wounds this he started to scream like lunatic person.

"That's just beginning adam you have to face the real torture". "Guards put him in cage" i order to my guards. They put adam in very small cage.

"Bring wild rats". I order few minutes later my man bring cage full of wild rats. I just point toward adam....they understand what i mean and put while rats in adam cages.when rats started to bite him....Adam screamed in agony.

His scream is like melody to my ears , half way through his torture i stopped the torture.
"Do you want to know 1 thing my dear friend". "I know Anna is your mother" this his eye widened......"and she know im torturing you here in this cell but she really dont care. She even ask me to give you worest punishment" i lied.

But i know thats how adam break.

"No no my mother loves me she will never say and even think about this". Adam shake his head while trying to convience himself.

"Do you really think someone love you....even your own mother didn't love you and leave you behind and become a mother figure for me" . I said while mentally torturing him .....and i know thats the last string....

after this he might break down and thats what happened he started to scream while pulling his hear.

"No no ....i know my mother loves me star loves me"......."you devil took everything from me". Adam said while shaking cage.

"Please kill me i beg you ...please. adam beg i told you at the end of your torture you will be beg to me for the death".

"As you are my best friend i will be kind to you so...that your last punishment" i said while burning him alive. I heard his screams while he is burning....

im looking at his burning body with dark eyes.......that will be the punishment for anyone who took my angel......i thought.............


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