Chapter 3

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Salam guys..... where my people at? I see some of you here werheederh, Syd_Vee vivacious_m1 hope y'all are enjoying this book? Please drop your comments let me know what you think about this book. Muchas gracias!! I love you all 💕💕💕


She was seated on the bed cross-legged, with her head downcast. Her heart thumped the moment, Irfan stepped into the room. He said his salam quietly.

"Nasreen," He said calmly,  she didn't raise her head. He thought she must be nervous. "Can we pray at least?" No response still.

"What is wrong?" She looked at him with a dispirited expression on her face. When he saw the resigned expression on her face, he became gloomy at the thought of what he had to face, the agony of a bereft marriage.

He tried to act as cool as possible. "Why did your mood swing suddenly, you were fine at the dinner party."  He realized he was talking to himself. He got irked by her stern visage and  moved closer and touched her shoulder lightly to get her utmost attention.
She shrugged his hands away. "Don't touch me,"  His brow's furrowed in annoyance.  "I am your husband you know right." "I do not give a damn," Nasreen said now staring daggers at him.  "What did you say?" Now he was completely pissed.

"I said I do not give a damn, about you or this marriage, so I will not allow you to touch me." She looked at him furiously at his eye level.

"This is absurd, you think I care if you gave a damn or not, I don't care, you are my wife so I can touch you if I want."

"You won't touch me, and you do not yell at me, the last time I checked it was my body, and only I have the right over it, incase you don't know."

"Nasreen look, if I want to touch you I will, cause you can't deny me my rights." He let out a harsh breath.

"Ai bari na gayama, sai ka fita daga sahun angwaye, an daina ce maka ango, gwarama ka sani. Let me tell you until you have left the line of grooms before I consider what you are talking about, it is better you know." She folded her arms on her chest, bobbing her head continuously.
Irfan was utterly speechless. He wanted to speak but there was nothing to utter out. "I want to see you try Nasreen."  He stormed out of the room. He paced to and fro in his room, thinking of the nerve she got. How dare she! Who the hell did she think she was, she had no idea who she was dealing with. He was going to make her wish she never agreed to the marriage.

A stab of loss and emptiness filled her, she burst out in tears. This was not how she envisioned her first night, she dreamed of being in Habeeb's arms, or with a man she loved at least. She curled herself on the bed and tears gushed heavily from her eyes.  If he thinks she is going to be his obedient wife he is dreaming. With those thoughts she drifted off to sleep. She didn't bother removing the heavy dress or wiping her make up off.

That was how the first two weeks of their marriage were spent in a blur. He never glanced at her, and she never did, they were just two people who lived together in the name of husband and wife. Until last night when he was determined to make her his wife in every sense.

"Sannun ku dazuwa, welcome."  Hajia Ummah said cheerfully. Nasreen hunkered down to greet her grandmother inlaw. Hajia Ummah enveloped her in a warm hug.  "How are you Nasreen, I hope you and Irfan are fine?" She asked searching the young lady's eyes. Nasreen wanted to speak but became still when
Irfan came in. Their eyes jammed for a split a second and quickly looked away. Her thoughts drifted to last night when he asked her about it. "I am on my period Irfan, for crying out loud." "You were on your period one week ago."
"It came back." She turned her face away.
"Be ready, cause next time I won't take no for an answer." "What if I say no?" 
"What if you say no?" He retorted her question back to her. "That is your problem." So you plan on violating me?" "Who said anything about violating you? just keep my reservation." He twisted the knob of the door and left. Nasreen sank on her bed and thought about his demands. She recalled her aunties lectures and preachings. Do not deny your husband his right. She felt forced, and she did not want to feel forced to do it, she wanted it to be of her own free will. So she had to come up with some more excuse to keep him off the hook.

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