Chapter 15

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This chapter is dedicated to Syd_Vee . Enjoy every part of this  I love you 🖤🖤

On the cold foggy morning, Nasreen woke up with a severe bout of nausea, her head was spinning around,  she shook as she emptied all the contents of her stomach.

She had been feeling quite queasy these few days, throwing up lately, and she had a fair idea of what was wrong with her.  She thought she was almost on her period. She checked her flo app on her phone. It indicated in the next three days. "Perfect."

She scrutinized herself in the mirror, she saw the way her face reflected in the mirror with iridescence. She smiled and touched her high cheekbones.

Irfan had left for work already, he kept a note for her as usual before he left for work.
She smiled deeply as she read the lovely note before she put it in her collection of all his notes. She got ready to leave for work also. She was lecturing her students when she suddenly felt the urge to throw up.

No nooo, this can't be happening she said in her mind. She excused herself from the class. She came back a few minutes after she had revived herself, still feeling light-headed, she couldn't  stand properly. She sat down. Her students were wondered, it was the first time Nasreen was sitting down in her class.

"Don't mind me,  I am tired of standing." She informed them as if she knew what was on their mind. And the lecture went on and on...

"Ya Sultaaaaa... She almost pushed her elder sister down as she ran to the bathroom.
"What is wrong Nas?" Sultana asked.

"I don't know I have been throwing up a lot lately."

"Seriously why?"

"Nothing, I like to throw up." Nasreen rolled her eyes heavenwards.

"Stupid kawai... I think I know what is wrong with you."

"You don't think am pregnant do you?"

"Nasreen it is possible that you may be pregnant."

"I am not pregnant," Nasreen said demurely.

"Don't worry I have test kits let's get you checked, then we would know yeah?" Sultana said with an inquisitive look at her sister.

Nasreen was a bundle of nerves, she  kept fidgeting with her fingers and biting her lower lip.

"So Nasreen you can be shy and quiet like this? As she noticed her sister's antsy mien, don't fret, it is only a test, and FYI you are lucky mom or dad is not here unless you will feel like evaporating out of  your existence."

"Ashe ba dadi, so it is not nice." I take back those days when I used to tease you, and why do you have test kits Yaya?"
"I thought I was pregnant again."  "Are you?" "Nah, I am not."

Nasreen waited for Sultana to bring the test kits. Her heart lurched even faster as Sultana came downstairs. This was scary now, what if there was a baby?"
"Here, pee on it."
"Eww!! that's gross." She collected it anyway and sauntered to the bathroom, Her heart throbbed intermittently. She smiled thinking of her and Irfan's baby, how it would feel like to have a baby made out of their love.  When she was done and saw it, she threw it in the trash, washed her hands, and came out of the bathroom.

Sultana's heart was all over the place. "Yaya!!" Nasreen brought her out of her fretful state...

"You look so frazzled," Nasreen said with relish.

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