Chapter 8

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Nasreen was in a very good mood, today she was happy, and felt like dressing up for herself, and then Irfan.
She shook her head, as she thought of how far they had come. Five months of marriage. She did not imagine a day like this to come that she would actually want to look good for Irfan. And now she could easily admit to herself that she had started falling for Irfan.

It was almost five pm, When she sat in front of her large dressing mirror, as she did the finishing touch of her flawless makeup. She smiled at her handiwork and mouthed perfect. She hurried down the stairs to check what she was baking in the oven. She wanted to surprise him by making one of his favorites deserts.

She was surprised at her self, when she called Khaddy and asked her some stuff about Irfan. She wanted to make her marriage work wholeheartedly. She had discovered few things about Irfan she loved, the ones she could be patient with, and the ones she could deal with.
Just then she felt arms slide around her tiny waist she gasped in fear at first, but then heaved a sigh of relief.
"Oh my, Irfan! how are you here now?" She asked surprisedly. Irfan on the other hand, couldn't reply cause his gaze was on the most beautiful woman he had, and will ever see on the face of the earth.
He stood mouth agape revering her face, admiring how enthralling she looked. The way the red lipstick fitted her perfect bow-shaped lips, was out of this world, and how her heavy eyelashes fanned and rested on her high cheekbones.
"What Irfan, why are you staring like you saw a ghost?!" She asked scrutinizing him.

"I didn't see a ghost Nasreen, I saw an Angel, you are beautiful, very beautiful."
"Aww, thanks I know." Nasreen said hotly, but she was blushing hard in her heart.

"In fact, he said dipping his hands inside his pocket serching for something..
He brought out naira notes from his pocket and placed it in her hands.
She smiled at his gesture, she counted the money, raising her brows at him.

"Haba Irfan, nifa bana son rowa, duk wannan kyaun 40k, I don't like stinginess all this beauty, 40 thousand, You want to do love without money?"

Irfan laughed at what she said. "You look very beautiful, daurin nakima ya kashe ni your scarf style has killed me."  Damn straight, She was definitely dressed to kill. She wore a straight atampa gown, that was bombarded with stones, it accentuated her curves in their rightful place, she  styled her scarf in a ture kiga tsiya. Her hair was folded at the nape of her neck into a chignon. Saying she looked beautiful was an understatement.
"Let's go out later." Irfan said impatiently.

"Aww Irfan, if I knew looking good and tying a ture, would earn me outings, I would have been doing it earlier."  She leaned forward and gave him a peck on his cheek quickly. Irfan's eyes widened, his heart fluttered, the things she did to him, the things she made him feel when ever she was around him. He just had to control himself.
"Now you know." He said hotly. "Yeah definitely, and you have lipstick on you."

"I don't mind lipstick on me." Nasreen bulged her eyes out at him quizzically. "Oh, I meant your lipstick," He said in defense. "Somebody is jealous eh?"  "You wish, I made your favorite dessert."
"You made..?" Irfan was floored. "How did you know?" "I know from khaddy." Nasreen smiled mildly. "So, what is the occasion?" "Nothing I just thought you'd love it." "I will love it when I taste it, just to be sure you won't poison me again."
Nasreen's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. "Why do you have to spoil everything with what you say?"

She looked at him irately and went away.
Leaving Irfan in the kitchen, startled. What did he do this time around, he did not mean to upset her. Them and their endless repartee. He rolled his eyes heavenwards, and went after her.

She was lying down on her bed sideways. She was aware of his presence in her room, she stayed still in her position and didn't turn to look at him.

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