chapter 39

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Salam guys, it's been ages yeah? Hope you are keeping it safe in the light of covid19 and all the shamble the world is in. This chapter dedicated to everyone who has kept it lit with this book from day one. 😘😘😘
#saynotorape. There is no justification for rape. the rapist just shouldn't rape.

"Hey, guys here comes Ira and Najma from Tv."

A kid said, and all the other kids turned to look at them.

"Yes, it's us," Ira said with confidence, this was her moment and she was going to let it shine, it was going to make her the coolest kid in sixth grade. She waved smilingly at all of the people looking and talking about them. It was all fine until Ira started feeling like the boss.

"Don't take pictures, and most importantly don't make eye contact. Ira said and put on Nasreen's shade. It is okay to feel jealous." It got so bad that the kids in lower grades had to get an eye permission slip from her friend Tiffany just to make eye contact with her they wanted to talk to her.

"Ira! what is going on, more than ten people have come to report to me that you are being mean to them, these are  people who look up to you, you don't get to be mean to them okay." Najma reprimanded. 

"Okay Najma, I'll try," Ira said hotly.

"First start by giving me the shades, does mom even  know you took her shades?"

"Nope, she doesn't, got any problem with that?"  She rolled her eyes skywards.

"Give me that Ira."

"Hey Naj, this is my moment, is not my fault that they aren't over you."

"Wait hold up, says who, Marjan just invited me for his birthday party."
"Oh my, Marjan your crush, he finally invited you, gee." Ira's tone heavy with irony.
"Yes, why are you acting surprised,  you should  know by now that I am irresistible."  She put on the shades and walked away.

"Guys!! dinner is ready," Nasreen called out. All of them were busy pressing their phones, "Dinner is ready!" she said again, she rolled her eyes heavenwards, picked her phone aand messaged them in their WhatsApp group chat...

"Oh, dinner is ready," Nabeel said as the message pinged in.

"You could have just said it babes," Irfan said.

She shook her head worriedly. She had to find a way to reduce their screen times.

Najma was telling them about how everybody was all over them in school that it was nice until Ira started becoming a brat!!

"Hey, Najma this day made me the most popular kid in my grade, now everybody wants to be friends with me, even if I am already the coolest kid in my grade," Ira said fanning her face sideways, with her hand.

"Mum Najma took your shades to school." Ira blurted out.

"You did what?"  Nasreen said alarmed.

"I am sorry mom." "You better be." "Not only because I took it to school without your permission mom, because the principal seized it, I will just tell dad to get you another one, like he always does."

"I am right here,"  Irfan said. 

"I guess you have registered that you are buying mom new shades then," Najma said calmly. Nasreen and Irfan shook their heads in disbelief.

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