Shit we've said to each other (Part 3)

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A/N Its been a while so here is another instalment of some things that me and my friends have said.

"I would say I care but in the wise words of Dolores Umbridge: "I must not tell lies."

"No one can hate you more than you already hate yourself"

"Go jump into a pit of snakes."

"Yeetus delete this"

"Yeetus delete me."

"Go step on a lego."

"I will take a away your mcnuggets"

"shhh shhshshsh shshhsh"

"Lift it honey, dont drag it " *wink*

"Ive handled a lot of hot stuff sadly, Andy Samberg wasnt one of them."

"Spell me, M-E, You forgot the "D", Theres no "D" in me. Not yet  

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

A/N this next one was during a scene I was doing in Drama

"Peppaaa, what are you doing watching our sceeene."

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