Shit we've said to each other (Part Five)

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A/N it's been a little while but here we are on more questionable quotes because I felt like it.


"Hemi Hemi."

"T*tty Purry."

"Roses are red, this is simplistic, vaccinate your kids, it won't make them autistic."

"I'm short, pink and British."

"He go zoom zoom"

" *aggressively signs 'Live' in Sign Language* "

" *aggressively mimes crab claws pinching* "

"It izzz what it izzz"

"Andy Snackberg"

"Snack Efron"

"Zac Efron who? I only know Zacquisha Efron"

"What the Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramirez is wrong with you"

"BLM + no brain cells gang + anon simp nation + Clowns..Actual Clowns..*


"I am your mother now. We're having dinner at 6 pm"

"Is child staying hydrated?"

"I don't know what to do with this information"

"I just ate a doughnut at 10:30 pm so-"

"tHoSe dArN vAcCiNeS"

"Don't insult me, my child"

"iS iT cAuSe i'M gAy?!"

"iS iT cAuSe i'M dEaF?!"

"iS iT cAuSe i'M aUtIsTic?!"

A/N That's all for now. Sorry, this is shorter than the previous ones but I hope you enjoyed!


"I don't stand for this mother abuse"

"hOw dArE yOu??"

"Dooo dooo do do doo- wait isn't that the McDonalds seatbelt song?"

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