TWO: Rebellious at Heart

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Sonya POV :

I check the hallway. 

All empty and dark. I was fully dressed in a short black dress that I have bought despite my mom objecting to it, calling it depressing, and "ungirly" -Yawn- She gave me her motherly frown when I told her just how absurd that sounded.

Back to the present. My brown hair was falling waves like on my chest, and I grimace with a big O sound when I stub my toe against the desk. Yet, I successfully manage to sneak my sister's signature heels away from her room.

Finding my way out was getting out of the escape room; If I were to ever get caught by one of my parents right now, I could assure you that I would never see my phone nor the outside world for a week at least. 

A little bit more tiptoeing and I was out of the house. Thanks to the strategic location my house was in; only 10 minutes away from downtown, but 30 minutes away from school.

The Irony.

The club was buzzing with people. A tall, large, and probably the chubbiest man ever meets me at the door. His eyebrow wages upwards when he sees me; a small curious teenage girl who wanted to have fun. He grimaced, and I could only imagine the thoughts running in his mind, probably cursing the millennials or fantasizing about how he ended up having to deal with reckless teenagers. Or maybe it was only my guilty conscience. Anyways, his eyes were telling. 

-" I tend to look younger than my age," I shrug, nonchalant, and I show him my sister's ID, which I have also swiftly " stolen " from her nightstand. 

A few minutes pass while his eyes pivot between me and the card, I thought I'd be shaking with fear. Instead, I was merely waiting for him to hand me my damn card back so I could do my more important business inside 

-" Have fun " 


I have always thought that looking almost the same as my sister had its perks, but tonight, it totally did the trick. 

As soon as I step inside, I pick up my phone. 

*typing* Where the hell are you ?! 


I was a lost puppy looking for its owner, fidgeting with hopeful eyes for a friendly face, a kind hand. I realize, they must be too busy partying, and with a pout, I shove my phone back. Then, I flinch. It was one thing to make an entrance inside a club full of wasted adults, but to venture inside, defenseless, when a couple of random guys were eyeing me with their insolent, suggestive glances under my dress, all I wanted was a pack of hyenas. 

Or a drink. 

Instead, I awkwardly try to pull it down but in vain, so I speedwalk to make my way out of the crowd to somewhere less filled with sweaty bodies until I bump into someone.

We both lose balance but one of us falls. That was not me.

-" Oh I'm so sorry! Are you- Are you okay..? " 

Her arms feel soft in my hand and her hair couldn't be messier. It was an outrageous sight really.  I notice that her dress has already something wet on it, and I realize with horror that it was her drink. Because she starts yelling at me, shaking me with her frail body, and eventually grabbing everyone else's attention to what was happening. When another girl with a tuxedo staggers with her intimidating heels and pulls me away from the one wobbling up on the floor, I budge away and I watch what unfolds before me with astonishment.

-" Baby! hear me out! I didn't cheat on you. Trust me! " 

Looking at her again, she had a magnificent shape. Her hair was long enough to reach her spine, and she had on a blue dress that defines her curves perfectly. She was hiding the other's face with her body. Suddenly, the girl with a tuxedo pushes her away, and I barely hold myself back from choking. Despite the opaque space, even if it was as dark as a midnight sky, I would always recognize that face, that aura...

-" Becky? " I whisper out, my eyes bolting out from their holes.

*Phone vibrating*  

At the bar, where are you?

You're late. Becky left. I don't see her anymore.

Re-edited: April 2O21. 

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