EIGHT: The Hunter & The Hunted

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Becky POV :

Sonya Roberts. 

The girl with everything I can't have. Somehow, by work of fate and great help of the forces of the universe altogether, she has become the person who saw me in one of my most defenseless moments. The one, where Becky Jones, a force not to be reckoned with, was weeping over her girlfriend who has deceived her with a guy, where she revealed her secret in the most outrageous and horrendous ways she could ever imagine, that same moment that she, Sonya Roberts, had to witness with her own eyes. She must think she had the upper hand; an opportunity she couldn't possibly waste away.

I have always detested her cocky and overly confident self who walked around school as if it was her own. I tried to like it, but the look in her eyes, that abominable gaze by which she looked at me when my dad yanked me away from the playground 6 years ago... I couldn't forget it. Call me petty, but she needed to know her place; she already had parents that showered her with love, an 'average' but happy family, and a home, so why the hell would she add being the queen bee of my school to her list of achievements?

The best part, she never knew any of this. 

-" You saw everything? " I begin, more of a rhetorical question than an actual one.

-" Yes" 


-" You're looking me in the eye." I deadpan, and I watch her body make an ever-slight flinch.

Until now, I was nervous, but maybe I didn't need that. The next thing I know, she was fidgeting against the wall to keep her legs from shuddering. Yet, she didn't look away from my eyes. Not knowing whether it was the frustration of the anticipation in her silence or the familiar feeling of being "a bully", but my blood was reeling with anger, and I was depleted.  

Sadness was a blanket that wrapped over my body. 

So I pull away, leaving her there on the wall, catching her breath that she must have been holding all this time. With a huff, I turn away from her, and I inhale a deep, icy breath before I face her again.

-" So what are you gonna do now? " I shrug.

-" You mean with the secret? " 

Amused, I don't hold back a scoff at her "useless" question. I was right, but I was also curious. I cross my arms and I -almost- wince when walks towards me. Something has changed all of a sudden, and I have lost control.  This once familiar closeness was foreign, and my -almost- made a jump when she was so close to me that I could see the color of her eyes, olive. 


-" I will do nothing about it."

There was a hint of a crack in her voice. When she proceeds to walk away, I grab her by her arm and spin her around to face me.

-" Don't play games with me, Roberts."  

My voice was filled with venom, I grit between my teeth as my grip on her arm only gets tighter.. more merciless. Blood was sucked out of the area my fingers grasped her, and I spot a trace on her soft milky skin.

That, came out wrong.

This was more than just anger of being busted, this was the humiliation of losing face and a loss of who was in charge: An insult to the Jones. It was not just my dad; pride was as dear to me as life itself. Today, Sonya crossed the line. 

-" It hurts " she whimpers. 

One glance at her face rained on the fire inside me. Her brows were furrowed, hard, her cheeks were crimson red, probably hot at the touch, and she was like a rabbit striving to find a way out of the cage.

And I, the hunter. 

I let go. 

A silent cry escapes her mouth when she touches her arm. She was massaging her arm as she spoke. 

-"If I wanted to hurt you. I would have done that years ago" she begins, and my head tilts to one side to see where this was heading to, 

-" Until now, I wanted to get my revenge on you."


-"But you are not worth it"

She fires at me with eyes shooting lasers. The next words she says at the end; however, pull the last trigger that leaves me utterly dumbfounded that I was semi-paralyzed.

-" I just don't care for you anymore "

With that, she charges in outside of the hall as if she was but a gust of wind. I came in here to show her who was stronger, but why was I feeling like a deer that has been shot dead? 

SHORT UPDATE but I hope you like it.

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