TWENTY: The First Snooze

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LAST CHAPTER! Thank you so much for reading!


Sonya POV :

I slept like a newborn fetus who hasn't opened its eyes to the world. 

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping, and the gentle rattling of leaves. My eyes shift to my hand, which was warmly engulfed by hers. The treehouse seemed different in the daytime; the bright rays of sunshine sneaked carefully from the gaps in the window, and through the half-opened door. I could spot some doodles sculpted on the woody walls, and a small smile makes its way to my lips when I manage to decode some words. Her handwriting was as terrible as I remember it. 

Becky's hands may not be made for sculpting, but they were so tender holding mine. 

Her head was leaning on me, still sleeping. I wonder if she was sensitive to movement. I dreaded to wake her up. For some reason, it seemed as though last night was difficult for both of us; I was well aware that we barely knew each other, but right then, her soft embrace and her presence were all that I truly needed. If we could be like this forever, if- maybe, we could hide in here forever, without anyone looking for us, how perfect would that be? 

Suddenly, I hear noisy chattering coming from the ground. I must have jolted from my position because Becky gasps silently. Then, she sees me. My head was hanging below the window, keeping me from getting caught by one of the students. Meanwhile, she tilts her head, quizically. 

-"How do you do this?" I grit between my teeth. 

She smirks. She pulls me into her and wraps a hand on my shoulder before we were both laying on our backs on the floor. Then, with a gentle click, she pulls down the curtains of the windows, and the roof cracks open, unveiling the clear sky, and green fresh spring leaves dangling above us. 

I couldn't hold back a chuckle. "You're unbelievable" 

-"It so easy to impress you Roberts" she grins. 

Not knowing how to take that, I give her a slight frown to which she laughs. Then, I feel her soft lips touching my forehead before bringing her eyes back to the scenery. 

I didn't know the meaning of any of this. I was lost for words and if only I could enjoy it without feeling the urge to fire the many questions grilling my head. However, out of all that mind chatter, one question was giving me the most chills; 

Was I worth this person? 

I glance at her and I attempt to say something. 

Nothing comes out. 

-"We don't have to talk today if you don't want to." She begins, her tone neutral.. almost.

-"Stay with me for a bit, and I'll let you go" 

"Don't. I don't want to be let go of. I'm not a bird in a cage; I want to stay inside, here, with you. Becky, if only you knew, outside of this cramped house is the real prison. Outside of this moment with you. It is brutal, cold, and scary. I couldn't make that decision"

There was such a thing as choking on words. No wonder some "bite" their tongues. 

There was no point in delaying it. 

I purse my lips, and I find my voice forcefully. 

-"I have to go" 

I get up, and I let myself watch her for a bit more. She looked like she belonged. She looked like she was doing really okay. At this moment, even dressed up so casually, anybody would say that she was a better catch than me. She came up with a fancy package while the only thing I could offer was my feelings. She hasn't said anything to me; what if I was just a pastime? What if last night was just a temptation? Then, I could never handle the blow for falling for that trap. 

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