FIVE: The Beginning of the End

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I arrived 20 minutes early and I stood at the entrance waiting for her.

She was a princess entering her royal ball, bathing in an elegant beige dress, orned with a cute black ribbon around her waist that accentuated her curves. Her golden skill sparkled under the dim white lights. Her walk was of a strutting peacock, and despite her stumbling, I was mesmerized. 

A smirk lighted up my face. 

-" You really did put effort into tonight didn't you? "

I gently offered my hand.

-" What about you? " She raised an eyebrow. 

And so, we walked in, and that was my first dance ever with a girl as delicate, and alluring as her.

My hands around her waist, hers on my shoulders, our eyes were cornering each other, her cheeks heated up every time I stole glimpses at her small rosy lips, and her body that almost intuitively followed mine as we swayed to the slow music. From the corner of my eye, I spot a few from the audience, and others on the dance floor staring at us. We became the stars of the party,  completing the painting of shining dots adorning the galaxy that we bathed in. It was so perfect. 

The most perfect night of my life. 


I exhale, as if forcefully.

-" We were so perfect." 

-" We were " her tone was low, deep. It resonated with me all the while she was observing me get changed.

-" So that is how it ends? " I let out, with a light shrug.

-" I'm sorry.." 

-" You should be. " 

The air was stifling, I purse my lips. I pause for a moment, checking in with my breath, and just when I was about to leave the room, I ask. For the last time.

-" Why did you cheat on me? " 

Her eyes had the same gleam I fell for the first time. She was facing me, she bites her lips, and her hand curls into a tight fist.

-" You could tell me that in the least, " I insist, set on knowing the reason why she broke up her promise of " forever ".

-" I couldn't do that anymore " She breathes in " I couldn't be your secret anymore Becky."

It haunted me, the sense of relief that was apparent in her voice as if the weight of the whole world has been lifted her shoulders.

Imagine how burdened she must have felt all along, I realize bitterly. When that unpleasant wave of " feeling bad and terribly sorry " washes over me, it seems as though the tables have turned, rendering me from being the victim to becoming the perpetrator.

-" It all makes sense " I smile, sadly.

-" You are an amazing person Becky. Don't blame yourself too much. " She adds with an unwilling tone that twists my insides and triggers a sharp sensation of nausea. 

-" Stop." I breathe out, eyes squeezed tight. 

Deep inside me, the voice in my mind was screaming at me I TOLD YOU SO with a mocking arrogance. Yet, I keep moving forwards, faking to be tough, trying not to cry, not to crack, and not to blame myself for making the only person in my life I let see me for who I was, leaving me .. Without a notice. My world was turned upside down, and I didn't know what to do. With a last glance at her back, I throw my jacket, the one that still oozed of her perfume, over my shoulder. As I drag my feet outside, I battle the pinnacle of emotions that were building up inside of me. Being abandoned was awful;  

If only people came in with an expiry date. 

I wrote this while on the road in the sunset. It was magical. 

Re-edited: April 2021

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