THIRTEEN: Her Firefighter

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Sonya Pov :

Something was off. 

It has been days since the "confrontation". Delancey, Frank, and I were on our way back from school when a man wearing all black passes by us like an earthquake. I turn my head and I see her; Her hands were inside her pockets and her eyes that used to glimmer at me with pure furry seemed dead, sealed to the floor. From a distance, it looked like someone has just been arrested, the air around us was thick, and it affected everyone who saw them.

I scrutinize at the man; A security guard? A bodyguard? He sees me, and I turn my head away in a flash. 

-" Woah. Isn't she taking it too far? " Frank marvels next to me.

-" That is her... " I mumble, fidgeting with my fingers.

Delancey intervenes. " Do you really think he is here to protect her?" 

We turn our heads in unison.

-"Look at her! She doesn't look happy to me. It is all her dad's doing!" she protests, raising her hands in the air. 

Then I glance at her, at Becky. Her shoulders that stood high were dropped, her walk that took the breath of everyone on her radar away, her head that never, ever, looked down, always held tall was almost glued to the floor. She was fading away; and everything she once was, was stocked into him. Becky was shrinking, and nobody knew what to do. 

-" What do you think happened to her? " Delancey echoes my floating thoughts. 

Back from when we were in middle school, she cried every time she was in pain. Back then, she cried more than I did, and I was always the one to come to her rescue. Unlike her, I didn't have much to give.. but my shoulder, or a smile, and somehow, her laugh echoed louder every time I did. She used to laugh a lot, and it appears that even she has forgotten that. 

-" I don't know, " Frank cuts in " but it sure doesn't look pretty"

The walk back home was filled with laughter, from Frank's last Tinder match to Delancey's secret admirer. My cheeks were still stinging when I bid my goodbyes to my closest friends. Once home, I call for my parents when I remember that they were out to celebrate their wedding anniversary, and Tara was staying at her friend's place for some project. Well, that is what she told them, but who was she kidding! She was totally spending the night at her boyfriend's. That wench. Anyways, I had the whole place to myself today and I couldn't be more excited for some alone time. 

Later, I was laying on my couch with a bowl of cereals. I didn't like cereals that much, but I thought it was better than a well-intended half-cooked pizza and a kitchen that had had its own tornado. I wasn't that handy around the kitchen, and I swore to not see the point in that until I was at least as old as my sister -which was next year- But in anyways, cereals were enough for now. I turn on the TV from some background sound and pull out my phone.

I was navigating through the forum when the new member posted. 

'This is too hard.. '

-"Becky" I whisper out loud before I realized I have finished the whole post. 

The similarity between this stranger and Becky's situation was earthshattering. Something was howling within me to do something. Anything! I have never met this girl, and I would probably never do. But the restlessness within me was unmistakable; every cell and every vein in me was shaking me with so much force that I ended up staring at her number... from back when we were friends. Something has changed, and today it was clear more than ever. 

That was it. It ends here. 

My fingers teasingly brush her number before a memory surges into my mind. It was from when she brought me to her mansion for the first -and last- time when her dad was away. In their big yard, we ran everywhere. The joy in our hearts could be heard from miles away. Until, when her dad came in. The look in his eyes was morbid, void of any trace of warmth, and the terror that crept within me from them alone was more than enough to make me tremble. I was stuck to my place, and Becky had gone mute. Her dad made a step towards us, and she charged in to stand in front of me. He spoke, and with a voice that only existed in my nightmares, he ordered her to go to her room, she resisted. The father and daughter stood there, neither said a word for a suffocating lapse of time, and that was the first time I broke into tears. Becky turned to me and smiled before she was brutally yanked away. Yet, she never shed a tear. 

I didn't belong to her world, he said. I was going to drag her down she was destined for greatness. 

I purse my lips, and I doubt if I was doing the right thing. How could I? The smoke of the fire already dominated my nostrils and was making its way in every cell in my body, the more I took time to think, the more my chest tightened, and the more I inhaled more of that deadly smoke into my lungs, risking to die asphyxiated by my own THINKING! It was pointless. Resisting it was an act of insanity; not when I have lost like this, not when a person was burning before my eyes, not when I have come this far! My phone felt icy inside my palm, and for a moment, I seriously think that I have lost control... 

And just like that, the fire inside me started to subside as soon as it started ringing. In my mind, I had only but one thought: This fire that was eating her up, I was going to put it off. 



Dedicated to the amazing friend and talented writer, @ImaginativeOwl 

[ PS: This chapter loves you back XD]  

Re-Edited: April 2021

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