ELEVEN: "Bet on It"

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Becky POV :

I was alone at the frighteningly large dining table.

Dad was not back yet, and mom was probably still sleeping, I was sitting at the head of the table. The head maid, standing right next to me, clearly on her toes, and ready to ' serve ' me. The table was filled with all kinds of goods: cereals, pastries, salads,  bacon, toast, chocolate,  anything that one wants and craves for in a full breakfast. All just for me. 

I must be looking like a freak. 

Then, I pick up the post I have left on the forum yesterday, and I log in to check if I got any response. Some responses were shorter than others while the latter was off point like "Hi!",  "Welcome to the forum". I could never understand those people. Hence, I kept scrolling through them till I got to this specific one from.. 'Sunyanim', I mumble. 

I scoff as it somewhat reminds me of Sonya from school. Though, a chocolate muffin in my lips, I begin to type back before my overthinking took the best of me. Besides, the Sonya I knew was too much of a nerd to go online on a school night.

*typing*  Whoever you are, I feel sorry for the people who put up with your naivety. If I could resonate with her, I would not be here in the first place.

-"OUCH" I bite my cheek as I click to submit. 

I cringe when I re-read her response; Some people really did think life was easy! The taste of chocolaty cream flows into my taste buds as I savor the heavenly treat, and I raise an eyebrow wondering if I was being too nice. However, I end up dismissing my phone because Becky Jones couldn't be bothered by this on a Wednesday morning.



My phone chimes in my pocket when I get out of mom's car in front of the school gates. After wishing me a good day, she departs for her job with a sweet smile plastered on her face. I loved to see her smile. I could never get enough of the glow it adorned her face with.

Moments later, I check for the new message, and I charge into my inbox when I recognize who it was from. My excitement; however, dies as soon as I finish reading. My hands tightened around the device. 

-"What a rude brat ".

I breathe in a gulp of cold air into my dilated lungs before blowing out enough to make my bangs fly over my forehead. 

-" Morning! " 

-" Morning! " I grin and I give her a peek on her cheek. 

A new aroma hits my nostrils.

- " Hm. Smells like a new perfume." 

Delancy beams proudly, I raise my hand for a high five. 

She claps in response, and I giggle. "Wow! Progress!" 

People collected all sorts of things: stamps, coins, or even random items they deem valuable. My friend, here, had a burning passion for collecting perfumes. She has been doing this for 2 years and I can safely say that she owned one of the most pungent collections of perfumes. Currently, she was working on her 3rd collection, and she was in her 20th bottle out of 25. 

She was perfumes crazed. Her dream was to become the next Jean-Paul Gaultier! 

She squeals like a little girl on Christmas day. " My allowance finally allowed it. Also, I didn't go over my budget!"

-" That is great," I nod, mimicking her excitement, and I take another sniff of her perfume. 

I shove my material into my locker. " Would totally spend my money on that "

She makes a hair flip sign and hugs her books against her chest. 

-" How about you? " 

-" Me? No-nothing," I stutter, but I knew better than to try to dodge the subject, so I tell her about the online brat.  

-" Yikes"

I sigh.  " What makes this whole thing freaky is that she reminds me of... " 

-"Of?" she prompts me, brows knitted. 

I squeeze my eyes shut as I let her name leave my mouth. Delancey takes a step back before she scrutinizes her eyes at me. Then, she waits for me to finish locking my locker before she fires a terrifying question that echoes my thoughts, and rips the smile off my face. 

She drums her fingers on her book, her eyes looking up at the ceiling. " Wanna bet on it?"

I bite my bottom lip. "No way."   

-"Why? Are you not confident?" she chuckles. 

I exhale a warm puff of air out of my throat, and I let my locker close with a noise that reverberates through the hallways. " Because... I feel like I've lost already."

With that, she makes a slight pout before a smile cracks on her lips, patting my back.  She wraps an arm over my shoulder, and we both start making our way to our first period. 


I have never really collected anything. What is the coolest thing to collect?

Thanks for reading

Re-Edited: April 2021

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