SEVEN: Hot Flushes

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Long chapter alert. Happy Reading!


Sonya POV :

The following morning, I catch myself searching for Becky among the crowds in the school hall. 

Then I remember, her dad funds this building, and she has just had a break up so, obviously, she needed time to recover, which implied that she was coming late, if not at all. I shake my head. Why was even thinking about her? I shrug all the thoughts away, and I proceed to put back my afternoon material in my locker.

'What could possibly change? What am I going to do with this secret? ' I mumble with an exhausted sigh.

So much for having a plan..


I close my locker with a loud thud, only to spot Delancey standing, leaning on her locker, looking aloof. I couldn't relate. "Are you keeping secrets from us now?", she asks in a high-pitched voice, which, as long as I have known her for, was a blatant warning sign that she was on her way to feeling -officially- hurt.

I couldn't afford that. Hence, I stutter " K-kinda,".

-"Did you get a girlfriend that we don't know about?" Frank blissfully interrupts the interrogation.

-"You have been acting weird since " he makes a hand gesture as if he was trying to recall something. " Oh! since last night. Are you sure you are not turning into a zombie mate ?". He adds in a fake Aussie accent.

I roll my eyes at his new zombie joke, and I see Delancie doing the same. At times like these, I couldn't help but think that we were so alike, almost like sisters? I know, sisters are not necessarily alike but you get the idea.

-"You seem happy Frank. Did you get a boyfriend that we don't know about? " Delancey counterattacks.

And that way, I make my smooth escape from their endless questions that I couldn't answer yet.

-" Don't rub salt in my wounded heart " he exhales in a poetic tone "I'm nothing but a wilting rose imploring for a loving heart" he clutches his hand on his chest, and bows in a theatrical manner.

-" Gay Shakespeare," I chuckle, " That is something to live for ".

The bell rings. With laughter, we make our way to our first class.


-"Am I dreaming or did Becky miss school today? " Delancey begins while we were making our way to the table.

-" She can do that," I shrug as I munch lazily on my french fry. Even though Becky had the power over every bit and cranny of this school, she really didn't care about food here.

How could potatoes taste so bad?

I intervene. "That is just Becky Jones"

-"Yeah but her dad is a total grade freak. She can't miss a class unless she has a cast on her leg, but I bet even that would stop him " Delancie elaborates as if she was talking about global warming.

But Becky was not global warming, so I nod anyways. Meanwhile, Frank, who has just come back from his PE class, takes a seat next to us and steals some fries from Delancie's tray. Boy, and she didn't budge, because those things were just that bad.

-" How was gymnastics? " I tease him, and he makes the longest sigh that says enough.

If there was anything that Frank hated the most in the world of sports, it was gymnastics. His small brain that made poetry out of nowhere, elegantly weaved through words, spoke like a philosopher, and that found answers to the most abstract maths problems, could not see the point, let alone the 'fun' about making some random stretches until your muscles and I quote, " moan "in pain.

-" Tough life huh? " Delancey says and pats his back for support.

-"A station, mate"

I couldn't agree more.


Two days.

That is how long it took Becky to come back to school from her break up. I bet that her father had something to do with her comeback, maybe he was the only reason why she did, a bit too early, and a bit too late to my taste. By now, I have magically digested the fact that she was gay, which meant that I was ready to act based on that fact.

Fair enough, I thought.

Needless to say, the past two days have been some of the most peaceful in my whole school life. I have never known that her absence would make so much change on the overall ambiance here. Because for once, it was a normal high school, where nobody cared about the price tag of your outfit, and everyone accepted you for who you were, no matter where your sexuality fell. Wait- or was that the ideal school I'm talking about?

Anyways, Becky Jones came back, and that automatically implied that my "normal" days as an ordinary high schooler were over.

-"She is here, " Delancie says, echoing my thoughts.

I observe her watching her walk towards the classroom from the glassy window.

-" I know " I murmur, muffling any note of nervousness, that familiar fear.. terror as I wait. Anticipating.

Yet, Delancie catches on to it, because she holds my hand, and smiles with a reassuring gaze. A stare that makes me cave in, again.

My chest, a blazing bonfire.

Vulnerability, aka the reason why Becky has enjoyed torturing me for so long. Once, Delancey asked me why I put up with it all, and I didn't answer, so she gave me that look. Even now, I couldn't decipher it, but it had an immense effect on me.

The same burning feeling of being..

-"Sonya Roberts! " A voice shouts my name and taps hard onto one of the tables, making me jump from my seat.

Delancey swivels in her seat curiously, and we exchange a knowing look. Moments later, I walk towards her, who was eyeing me from behind the desk, and I stand right across from her on the other side. We stare at each other like two alpha lions. She gives me a smirk.


The classroom was silent, absorbing what was going on.

The last time I had confronted Becky Jones, it didn't go well, for me - obviously -. Long story short, it was one of my hopeless attempts to establish a sort of peace between us, and stop the bullying. She, however, didn't really "feel" the same, and sneered with an infuriating tone.

"and why would I want to make peace with you?"

A smile tingles my lips. "You never saw this coming, Jones."

The spoiled alpha speaks first.

-"You and I have some talking to do, don't we ? " she says, and I can imagine the look of utter shock with a spice of curiosity in Delancie's eyes right now.

.. I can imagine her thinking of the worst scenario, and come up with the endless questions that must be filling her brain at the moment.

Little did she know.

Becky holds my hand with such a force that makes me wince, and drags me out of the classroom into the empty hall. Of course, the class's eyes were following us until we were out of sight, and they would follow us all the way to the end, but they didn't;

Apparently, they didn't care that much either.

1400+ words. I did it.

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Re-edited: April 2021

Special Mention:

Thank you @ImaginativeOwl for your helpful editing suggestions! I really appreciate your love and support!

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