Authors' Note:

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Hello readers!
For months now I've been secretly lurking in the background and reading everyone's yummy LOTR and Hobbit fanfics!
(You'll find my favorites in my reading list) Now I've finally come to the conclusion that I need to write my own!
I'm very excited about this and can't wait to hear from any of you who may have comments, questions or concerns!
On another note, I apologize in advance if this storyline seems to be overall repetitive and "done" on Wattpad a lot.
I love the idea and the events I have come up with and think it will be an overall unique read :D 
I also apologize in advance for the portrayal of Thranduil's character.
Many have different opinions on how he and other characters would act apart from the books/movies.
Whether he would be secretly more lighthearted or funny etc.
My portrayal of him in this story will be more hard and cold than many might agree with, but bear with me as there is reasoning behind it.
I also have not done a thorough study of all the "factual" events and dialects that take place.
I will do my best though to accurately portray the different Tolkien races.
I will be posting "fun facts" at the bottom of each chapter, as lately I've been reading; "An Encyclopedia of Tolkien; the History and mythology that inspired Tolkien's World", and of course I highly recommend it if your a super fan of his works.
Most facts will be from said book and credit goes to the author David Day.

* Cover photo was created by @Evankart on DeviantArt.
* I do not own any of the characters, settings or images in this book except for Arden and Rowan (and brief appearances by Aego, Aemma and Aelrindel)
* This story models from the movies, not the books.
* Chapter images are not meant to represent an image from that chapter, just from LOTR overall.
* If for some reason you haven't either read the books or watched the movies pertaining to this story, (can't imagine why unless you lived on a deserted island since 2009 and just now came back) then this contains massive spoilers! Low-key I highly suggest watching or reading the original series first as this story will be very confusing and less enjoyable.
* Don't forget to check out the SEQUEL to this book: "A Permanent Lineage"
* Mature for violence, some language and possibly explicit intimate scenes.
                                ~ @InTheMaddeningCrowd

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