Chapter 11

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Finally the healer had arrived and Thranduil waited outside the room as Arden was examined.
In the meantime, Tauriel had been ordered to resume training, without Arden.
With a grave face, the healer exited the room, closing the door softly behind her.
Instantly, Thranduil was in front of her, demanding an explanation.
"I am sorry my King, but I know not of what she suffers from. I have searched her and done everything I could think of but nothing shows up and I can find no issue. However she is growing progressively worse, and without a diagnosis we cannot treat her. She has very little time left at this point."
Bowing her head as she said this, she did not meet Thranduils' eyes.
Frantically he thought.
For something life threatening like this to be happening, something as equally life threatening would have had to occur.
Racking his brain, he tried to recall anything she might of said.
He stopped in his tracks.
The sword.
The sword the orc had pierced her with.
It was probably filthy he thought, if not anything like a morgul blade.
He turned back to the healer.
"Wait. This is Lady Arden Of Ardor, Queen of the Belegdae. She was pierced through the side with an orcs' blade nearly a month ago."
At the onslaught of information, the healer took a step back, her eyes widening.
"A Belegdae my King? Surely you could not expect me to know the anatomy of such different beings. Their blood down to their bone structure is all but foreign to me. You will need to call upon a local healer of her people. That is the best chance of survival for her."
In hearing this, Thranduil rushed out the door to summon Tauriel.
Quickly he told her to find a healer from Ardor and Tauriel nodded stiffly, running to do his bidding.
Now all he could do was wait.

- 3 days later -

Arden slowly regained consciousness.
Her brain was fuzzy and her throat more parched than a desert but other than that she was fine.
Slowly she sat up, looking around.
Panic hit her as she looked around the large room and didn't recognize anything.
In fact she couldn't figure out why she was in a room at all.
She needed to get to training or Thranduil would be livid.
Pulling aside the thick covers, she frowned at a sharp pain that pierced her side.
Looking down, she realized she was in a night gown that did not even belong to her and that bandages covered her underneath.
What the hell was going on?
Quickly she stood, and regretted her haste when the room started to tilt.
Making her way across the room to the only window, she looked out and saw the training grounds.
Recognizing that she was in fact in the palace, she found it odd.
Thranduil had made it quite clear that he wanted her no where near or inside it.
She surmised that she must have had an accident, in looking at the bandages, but she couldn't imagine what would have happened.
She was much more skilled than the trainees and could not fathom one of them somehow gaining the upper hand.
It was also nearly impossible to injure her... this must be a mistake.
Just then the door opened and Thranduil walked in.
He froze when his gaze met hers and he uttered the first words that came to his mind.
"Your up."
Confused, she replied,
"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"
Thranduil seemed to carefully think over his next words.
"You've been a sleep for nearly four days now, I did not know when to expect you to wake."
In hearing this she nearly fell over.
Why on earth would she have been asleep that long.
Seeing her confusion he shook his head and came towards her.
"Everything will be explained later, you must get back in bed. Your healer said not to be up for at least a week."
Chuckling, Arden tried to pass him and said,
"What are you talking about? What is going on? I need to go train your men. You made it quite clear that you wanted nothing to do with me anyway so I won't burden you now."
Holding out a halting arm, Thranduil stepped in front of her, blocking any escape.
Glaring, he responded in a warning tone.
"I meant what I said Arden, don't argue with me, get back in bed."
Arden momentarily reared back at the use of her name.
This was the first time he had ever said it so informally, or at least since they were children.
She really must be out of it.
Once more she went around him but something odd happened.
The sharp pain in her side grew unbearable as she walked faster, and to her horror she felt herself going down.
Instantly Thranduil was there.
In a flash, he scooped her up and walked her back to the large, ornate bed.
Muttering things that sounded awfully like, "Stubborn" and "Women", he carefully placed her on the bed and briskly walked out.
Vaguely she heard him telling a servant to summon the healer right before sleep claimed her once more.

Fun fact;
Around 10,000 prosthetic facial appliances, over 3,500 pairs of hobbit feet, 2,500 foam body suits, 1,200 suits of armour, 2,000 weapons and 10,000 arrows were made to film the Lord of The Rings trilogy.

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