Chapter 7

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She was fuming.
How dare he?
She belonged here just as much as everyone else and it took Thranduil muttering those hateful words for her to realize it.
When he had at first confirmed her suspicions, she was oddly heartbroken.
But after only a few moments of everyone coming up to greet and chat with her, she felt better.
She felt his eyes upon her.
Laughing more heartily at something someone said, she watched him from her peripheral vision.
He was frowning.
Sighing, she tried not to be too noticeable as she took him in.
He looked so regal and hauntingly beautiful in his white robes and crown.
The strong breadth of his shoulders and lean build once more took her breath away and she nearly laughed as she realized they matched in attire.
But her attention was soon drawn away by a tap on her shoulder.
Looking slightly down, she met the steady gaze of Rowan of Rohan.
Rumors swirled around his sudden appearance after the war of the ring and the marriage of his cousin Eowyn and Faramir.
Rumors of past noble deeds and quests.
Rumors of his cousin Eomer stepping down conveniently and him taking his fathers' place as king of Rohan.
"I saw you from across the way and knew that I had yet to introduce myself Lady Arden. And to think I thought I knew of all the beautiful elves who graced Rivendell with their presence."
At a loss for words, Arden blushed and nodded.
It had definitely been a long time since a male, especially a handsome one, had complimented her.
"I have already heard tales of you Lord Rowan, and need no introduction."
"All good things I hope? Surely Eowyn has sung my praises?"
Arden laughed at his cajoling manner.
"Yes, of course."
"Well then my mission is complete, I hope to see you again though, perhaps our paths are meant to cross again in the future."
With a final bow, Rowan left Arden to consider his somewhat confusing words.
Whereas his words held a question and even hope, his eyes held a promise.
A promise that they would indeed cross paths again whether or not it was meant to be.
Looking around, she noticed Thranduil had gotten somewhat closer during her conversation and was clenching his fists.
It was a cruel fate to love someone who would never love you back and even hated your very existence.
Overlooking him, she noticed people had begun to gather.
The initial exchange of news and current issues would begin soon followed by the Starlights.
Now was the time.
She had come to their aid when the clans of Middle Earth desperately needed it and she expected it to be returned.
Curiously enough, Arden had also found out from none other than Tauriel, that the wood elves did not solely own Ardor.
In fact Rohan and the race of men had substantial ties and holds on a majority of the land.
She wondered why Thranduil had never mentioned that he did not in fact have full dominion over the land.
If she had known this earlier, she would have dropped the fruitless quest to gain approval from Thranduil and just gone straight to the much more agreeable men of Rohan.
Especially a certain man who seemed to need her as much as she did him.
If she was wondering about his sudden appearance before, she no longer did now.
Looking over the heads of several, she searched for Rowan in the crowd.
Instantly she found him when her gaze landed on his.
For several seconds neither moved until finally the clapping of Lord Elrond and Galadriel drew their attention to the front.
Mentally she prepared herself, she was ready.
All she needed was a majority of the 5 bloodlines' vote.
Lord Elrond would represent the elves, Bilbo for Hobbiton, Gimli with The Iron Hills, Aragorn for Gondor, And finally Gandalf for the wizarding realm.
If they all supported her, then it would come down to Thranduil and Rowan who had actually laid claim to the land.
Only a little while ago she was unsure of how people would vote, but now she was sure she had a fighting chance.
No longer would her and her kin be punished for being different.
Just because one did not understand something did not mean they needed to fear it.
With a stony resolve she joined the others, excited for the possibilities about to unfold.

Thranduil watched Arden curiously.
A wave of emotions washed over her face and he saw the exchanged looks with that Rowan of Rohan fellow.
What could that be about?
Something didn't feel right and he knew she had something up her sleeve.
Almost like a crashing wave, it hit him then.
Thranduil had always known but long forgotten that Mirkwood only held 1/3 of the land that made up Ardor.
The race of men and Rohan held the majority.
Cursing to himself, he wondered how she could of found out and how long she must have known.
Lord Rowan must have said something, struck a deal, and they were now working together.
The race of men could always be won over by a pretty face.
He wouldn't accept it.
He refused to be neighbors with a half-bred creature who had been a thorn in his side for the better part of 2,000 years.
This ended now.
As Lord Elrond finished announcing the latest happenings on the aftermath of the wars and reconstruction, he opened the gathering up for topics of discussion.
He saw her move in the corner of his eye and did the same.
There was no telling what lies she would spin to gain leverage of the situation, he was determined to be first.

Fun fact;
The idea of the all powerful "one ring" was inspired by Viking/Nordic cultures.
No people in history where as obsessed with the symbolism of the ring as the Vikings.
Rings where symbols of power, prestige and wealth.
The most powerful ring of all belonged to Odin, the Norse king of the Gods and ruler of the nine worlds.
This "One ring" was named Draupnir.

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